
Resultados de Division 2 1999/2000

  • Ordenar por:
36. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Queen of South6:106.05.2000
Arbroath - Partick Thistle3:206.05.2000
Hamilton - Stirling1:006.05.2000
Stenhousemuir - Ross County2:206.05.2000
Stranraer - Clyde2:106.05.2000
35. Rodada1X2 
Clyde - Arbroath4:129.04.2000
Partick Thistle - Alloa0:129.04.2000
Queen of South - Hamilton1:129.04.2000
Ross County - Stranraer3:129.04.2000
Stirling - Stenhousemuir1:029.04.2000
34. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Clyde2:122.04.2000
Arbroath - Queen of South1:222.04.2000
Hamilton - Ross County0:322.04.2000
Stenhousemuir - Partick Thistle2:022.04.2000
Stranraer - Stirling3:122.04.2000
31. Rodada1X2 
Stenhousemuir - Hamilton0:118.04.2000
33. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Stranraer4:015.04.2000
Arbroath - Hamilton1:115.04.2000
Clyde - Stenhousemuir7:015.04.2000
Partick Thistle - Stirling1:115.04.2000
Queen of South - Ross County0:315.04.2000
19. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Queen of South3:111.04.2000
32. Rodada1X2 
Hamilton - Clyde1:1   08.04.2000
Ross County - Partick Thistle1:308.04.2000
Stenhousemuir - Alloa2:108.04.2000
Stirling - Queen of South2:208.04.2000
Stranraer - Arbroath0:108.04.2000
24. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Hamilton2:004.04.2000
31. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Arbroath2:101.04.2000
Clyde - Queen of South3:101.04.2000
Partick Thistle - Stranraer1:101.04.2000
Ross County - Stirling5:101.04.2000
27. Rodada1X2 
Clyde - Stranraer1:128.03.2000
Ross County - Stenhousemuir2:028.03.2000
25. Rodada1X2 
Arbroath - Alloa2:028.03.2000
30. Rodada1X2 
Arbroath - Ross County1:225.03.2000
Hamilton - Alloa0:025.03.2000
Queen of South - Partick Thistle1:125.03.2000
Stirling - Clyde3:625.03.2000
Stranraer - Stenhousemuir2:225.03.2000
28. Rodada1X2 
Partick Thistle - Clyde1:221.03.2000
23. Rodada1X2 
Stranraer - Alloa2:221.03.2000
19. Rodada1X2 
Stenhousemuir - Ross County0:221.03.2000
29. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Stirling1:018.03.2000
Arbroath - Stenhousemuir2:218.03.2000
Clyde - Ross County0:018.03.2000
Hamilton - Partick Thistle0:118.03.2000
Queen of South - Stranraer0:018.03.2000
25. Rodada1X2 
Hamilton - Stenhousemuir2:114.03.2000
Queen of South - Clyde3:014.03.2000
21. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Ross County1:214.03.2000
28. Rodada1X2 
Ross County - Alloa3:411.03.2000
Stenhousemuir - Queen of South2:011.03.2000
Stirling - Arbroath1:111.03.2000
Stranraer - Hamilton2:211.03.2000
25. Rodada1X2 
Stranraer - Partick Thistle3:107.03.2000
22. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Stenhousemuir3:107.03.2000
20. Rodada1X2 
Ross County - Clyde2:207.03.2000
27. Rodada1X2 
Partick Thistle - Arbroath2:004.03.2000
Queen of South - Alloa2:104.03.2000
Stirling - Hamilton1:404.03.2000
21. Rodada1X2 
Arbroath - Stirling3:229.02.2000
Clyde - Partick Thistle1:029.02.2000
26. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Partick Thistle1:126.02.2000
Arbroath - Clyde1:126.02.2000
Hamilton - Queen of South1:126.02.2000
Stenhousemuir - Stirling1:226.02.2000
Stranraer - Ross County0:226.02.2000
25. Rodada1X2 
Stirling - Ross County3:119.02.2000
24. Rodada1X2 
Clyde - Stirling4:112.02.2000
Partick Thistle - Queen of South5:412.02.2000
Ross County - Arbroath1:112.02.2000
Stenhousemuir - Stranraer1:112.02.2000
23. Rodada1X2 
Hamilton - Arbroath2:205.02.2000
Ross County - Queen of South2:005.02.2000
Stenhousemuir - Clyde3:405.02.2000
Stirling - Partick Thistle0:205.02.2000
18. Rodada1X2 
Ross County - Hamilton0:129.01.2000
22. Rodada1X2 
Arbroath - Stranraer1:122.01.2000
Clyde - Hamilton1:022.01.2000
Partick Thistle - Ross County4:222.01.2000
Queen of South - Stirling2:322.01.2000
21. Rodada1X2 
Hamilton - Stranraer2:015.01.2000
Queen of South - Stenhousemuir3:115.01.2000
20. Rodada1X2 
Partick Thistle - Hamilton2:203.01.2000
Stenhousemuir - Arbroath3:003.01.2000
Stirling - Alloa1:103.01.2000
Stranraer - Queen of South1:203.01.2000
19. Rodada1X2 
Arbroath - Partick Thistle0:027.12.1999
Hamilton - Stirling0:227.12.1999
Stranraer - Clyde2:227.12.1999
18. Rodada1X2 
Clyde - Alloa0:018.12.1999
Partick Thistle - Stenhousemuir1:018.12.1999
Queen of South - Arbroath1:018.12.1999
Stirling - Stranraer2:518.12.1999
17. Rodada1X2 
Stirling - Queen of South3:011.12.1999
Hamilton - Clyde2:304.12.1999
Ross County - Partick Thistle2:104.12.1999
Stenhousemuir - Alloa1:304.12.1999
Stranraer - Arbroath2:204.12.1999
16. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Stranraer1:1   27.11.1999
Arbroath - Hamilton1:1   27.11.1999
Clyde - Stenhousemuir1:0   27.11.1999
Partick Thistle - Stirling1:0   27.11.1999
Queen of South - Ross County0:2   27.11.1999
15. Rodada1X2 
Arbroath - Ross County0:120.11.1999
Queen of South - Partick Thistle1:220.11.1999
Stirling - Clyde1:220.11.1999
Stranraer - Stenhousemuir2:020.11.1999
Hamilton - Alloa1:216.11.1999
14. Rodada1X2 
Partick Thistle - Stranraer2:014.11.1999
Ross County - Stirling1:312.11.1999
Stenhousemuir - Hamilton0:010.11.1999
Alloa - Arbroath0:009.11.1999
Clyde - Queen of South3:009.11.1999
13. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Stirling4:406.11.1999
Arbroath - Stenhousemuir0:306.11.1999
Clyde - Ross County3:106.11.1999
Hamilton - Partick Thistle0:006.11.1999
Queen of South - Stranraer0:506.11.1999
12. Rodada1X2 
Partick Thistle - Clyde0:030.10.1999
Ross County - Alloa1:030.10.1999
Stenhousemuir - Queen of South2:130.10.1999
Stirling - Arbroath3:430.10.1999
Stranraer - Hamilton0:230.10.1999
11. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Clyde1:023.10.1999
Arbroath - Queen of South5:223.10.1999
Stenhousemuir - Partick Thistle0:123.10.1999
Stranraer - Stirling2:123.10.1999
10. Rodada1X2 
Clyde - Arbroath0:016.10.1999
Partick Thistle - Alloa2:216.10.1999
Queen of South - Hamilton3:216.10.1999
Ross County - Stranraer1:116.10.1999
Stirling - Stenhousemuir5:116.10.1999
11. Rodada1X2 
Hamilton - Ross County1:009.10.1999
9. Rodada1X2 
Hamilton - Arbroath2:202.10.1999
Ross County - Queen of South1:102.10.1999
Stenhousemuir - Clyde1:302.10.1999
Stirling - Partick Thistle3:102.10.1999
Stranraer - Alloa0:002.10.1999
8. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Stenhousemuir1:425.09.1999
Arbroath - Stranraer1:225.09.1999
Clyde - Hamilton2:125.09.1999
Partick Thistle - Ross County0:225.09.1999
Queen of South - Stirling3:325.09.1999
7. Rodada1X2 
Partick Thistle - Hamilton0:118.09.1999
Ross County - Clyde2:018.09.1999
Stenhousemuir - Arbroath1:318.09.1999
Stirling - Alloa0:118.09.1999
Stranraer - Queen of South1:018.09.1999
6. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Ross County2:0   11.09.1999
Arbroath - Stirling2:1   11.09.1999
Clyde - Partick Thistle2:0   11.09.1999
Hamilton - Stranraer2:1   11.09.1999
Queen of South - Stenhousemuir0:3   11.09.1999
5. Rodada1X2 
Hamilton - Stenhousemuir1:105.09.1999
Arbroath - Alloa2:204.09.1999
Queen of South - Clyde1:104.09.1999
Stirling - Ross County2:104.09.1999
Stranraer - Partick Thistle1:104.09.1999
4. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Hamilton1:128.08.1999
Clyde - Stirling3:028.08.1999
Partick Thistle - Queen of South2:028.08.1999
Ross County - Arbroath2:028.08.1999
Stenhousemuir - Stranraer1:128.08.1999
3. Rodada1X2 
Clyde - Stranraer0:021.08.1999
Partick Thistle - Arbroath1:321.08.1999
Queen of South - Alloa1:121.08.1999
Ross County - Stenhousemuir0:021.08.1999
Stirling - Hamilton2:021.08.1999
2. Rodada1X2 
Alloa - Partick Thistle1:014.08.1999
Arbroath - Clyde2:114.08.1999
Hamilton - Queen of South0:314.08.1999
Stenhousemuir - Stirling2:114.08.1999
Stranraer - Ross County0:014.08.1999
1. Rodada1X2 
Clyde - Alloa0:107.08.1999
Partick Thistle - Stenhousemuir0:107.08.1999
Queen of South - Arbroath2:307.08.1999
Ross County - Hamilton2:107.08.1999
Stirling - Stranraer1:107.08.1999
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