
Férfi NBI Vidux-Szegedi RSE Stats, Results & Fixtures

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HungaryHungary: Extraliga - Main
TFSESzegedi3:1 (25:23, 31:29, 23:25, 25:21)details02.03.2025
Kecskemeti RCSzegedi3:0 (25:9, 25:15, 25:18)details22.02.2025
DunaferrSzegedi0:3 (17:25, 23:25, 19:25)details13.02.2025
SzegediPenzugyor0:3 (20:25, 22:25, 19:25)details09.02.2025
MAV Elore SCSzegedi3:0 (25:15, 25:22, 25:14)details01.02.2025
VegyeszSzegedi3:1 (25:23, 21:25, 25:15, 25:19)details26.01.2025
SzegediDebrecen0:3 (11:25, 19:25, 21:25)details19.01.2025
MAFCSzegedi3:0 (25:20, 25:23, 25:17)details16.01.2025
SzegediMiskolc3:1 (25:23, 17:25, 26:24, 29:27)details12.01.2025
HungaryHungary: Hungarian Cup - Main
Quarter-finals - 2nd legVegyeszSzegedi3:0 (25:23, 25:17, 25:19)details08.01.2025
HungaryHungary: Extraliga - Main
SzegediDagi1:3 (21:25, 19:25, 26:24, 21:25)details05.01.2025
HungaryHungary: Hungarian Cup - Main
Quarter-finals - 1st legSzegediVegyesz0:3 (18:25, 16:25, 21:25)details18.12.2024
HungaryHungary: Extraliga - Main
SzegediFino Kaposvar SE0:3 (17:25, 15:25, 15:25)details17.12.2024
SzegediTFSE3:1 (22:25, 29:27, 25:19, 25:20)details10.12.2024
SzegediDunaferr3:0 (25:13, 25:12, 25:16)details05.12.2024
PenzugyorSzegedi3:0 (25:15, 25:20, 25:20)details30.11.2024
SzegediKecskemeti RC1:3 (22:25, 25:21, 14:25, 16:25)details21.11.2024
SzegediMAV Elore SC0:3 (18:25, 26:28, 22:25)details17.11.2024
SzegediVegyesz1:3 (24:26, 25:20, 24:26, 15:25)details10.11.2024
DebrecenSzegedi3:0 (25:19, 25:21, 25:19)details02.11.2024
SzegediMAFC0:3 (22:25, 14:25, 17:25)details24.10.2024
MiskolcSzegedi3:1 (25:19, 26:28, 25:17, 25:22)details20.10.2024
DagiSzegedi3:1 (25:19, 29:27, 21:25, 25:18)details13.10.2024
Fino Kaposvar SESzegedi3:0 (25:8, 25:8, 25:16)details06.10.2024
HungaryHungary: Extraliga - 9th-12th places
SzegediTFSE1:3 (12:25, 25:14, 26:28, 23:25)details21.04.2024
MiskolcSzegedi3:1 (25:17, 23:25, 25:19, 25:23)details14.04.2024
DunaferrSzegedi0:3 (19:25, 21:25, 20:25)details07.04.2024
TFSESzegedi3:1 (22:25, 25:15, 25:14, 25:22)details31.03.2024
SzegediMiskolc3:0 (25:18, 25:22, 25:21)details24.03.2024
SzegediDunaferr3:0 (25:19, 25:15, 25:19)details20.03.2024
HungaryHungary: Extraliga - Main
Kecskemeti RCSzegedi3:0 (25:9, 25:12, 25:17)details06.03.2024
SzegediMAV Elore SC0:3 (18:25, 15:25, 22:25)details02.03.2024
PenzugyorSzegedi3:0 (25:19, 25:12, 25:20)details27.02.2024
MAFCSzegedi3:0 (25:21, 25:18, 25:18)details24.02.2024
DunaferrSzegedi0:3 (12:25, 23:25, 10:25)details18.02.2024
DagiSzegedi3:0 (25:21, 25:22, 25:22)details11.02.2024
SzegediPenzugyor2:3 (25:21, 25:21, 16:25, 19:25, 12:15)details04.02.2024
SzegediVegyesz0:3 (23:25, 14:25, 20:25)details27.01.2024
MiskolcSzegedi2:3 (25:16, 19:25, 25:18, 22:25, 10:15)details19.01.2024
HungaryHungary: Hungarian Cup - Main
Quarter-finals - 2nd legSzegediKecskemeti RC1:3 (21:25, 29:27, 23:25, 12:25)details16.01.2024
HungaryHungary: Extraliga - Main
SzegediFino Kaposvar SE0:3 (18:25, 13:25, 17:25)details14.01.2024
HungaryHungary: Hungarian Cup - Main
Quarter-finals - 1st legKecskemeti RCSzegedi3:1 (25:19, 25:15, 23:25, 25:14)details10.01.2024
HungaryHungary: Extraliga - Main
TFSESzegedi0:3 (20:25, 16:25, 23:25)details16.12.2023
SzegediDebrecen1:3 (17:25, 25:17, 21:25, 17:25)details10.12.2023
SzegediKecskemeti RC0:3 (19:25, 18:25, 17:25)details03.12.2023
MAV Elore SCSzegedi3:0 (25:17, 25:21, 27:25)details25.11.2023
SzegediMAFC1:3 (25:18, 23:25, 15:25, 22:25)details19.11.2023
SzegediDunaferr3:0 (25:19, 25:22, 25:22)details11.11.2023
SzegediDagi3:2 (23:25, 25:22, 28:26, 20:25, 15:8)details05.11.2023
VegyeszSzegedi3:2 (25:17, 20:25, 25:21, 23:25, 15:8)details22.10.2023
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