
SSV HIB Liebenau Graz (Austria)

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AustriaAustria: 2. Bundesliga Women - Main
Group 2SSV Graz WBruckl W3:0 (25:19, 25:18, 25:23)details16.02.2019
Group 2Krottendorf WSSV Graz W0:3 (23:25, 17:25, 27:29)details09.02.2019
Group 2Wildcats 2 WSSV Graz W3:0 (25:12, 25:16, 25:10)details07.02.2019
Group 2Hausmannstatten WSSV Graz W3:0 (25:23, 25:23, 25:14)details02.02.2019
Group 2SSV Graz WJennersdorf W3:1 (25:21, 23:25, 25:14, 27:25)details26.01.2019
AustriaAustria: 2. Bundesliga South Women - Main
18. RoundBruckl WSSV Graz W3:2 (20:25, 25:23, 25:20, 14:25, 16:14)details11.02.2018
17. RoundSSV Graz WSudstadt W3:1 (25:23, 17:25, 25:13, 25:12)details04.02.2018
14. RoundSSV Graz WVBK Klagenfurt 2 W3:0 (25:15, 25:20, 25:22)details28.01.2018
16. RoundSSV Graz WUVC Graz 2 W2:3 (18:25, 25:16, 26:24, 25:27, 13:15)details27.01.2018
15. RoundVillach WSSV Graz W2:3 (24:26, 27:25, 25:22, 12:25, 13:15)details21.01.2018
AustriaAustria: Austria Cup Women - Main
Quarter-finalsSSV Graz WSokol/Post SV W0:3 (14:25, 12:25, 13:25)details05.11.2017
1/8-finalsSSV Graz WWolfsberg W3:1 (25:8, 24:26, 25:17, 25:20)details22.10.2017
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