
Okyanus Koleji (Turkey)

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TurkeyTurkey: 1. Ligi - Main
Group A - 22. RoundBigadic Bld.Okyanus Koleji3:0 (25:18, 25:16, 25:12)details21.03.2023
Group A - 21. RoundOkyanus KolejiKolejliler0:3 (20:25, 17:25, 22:25)details18.03.2023
Group A - 20. RoundSaint JosephOkyanus Koleji3:0 (25:19, 25:17, 25:16)details11.03.2023
Group A - 19. RoundTarim Kredi GenclikOkyanus Koleji3:0 (25:23, 25:16, 25:16)details04.03.2023
Group A - 18. RoundOkyanus KolejiHGTC Bursa 20:3 (19:25, 21:25, 23:25)details04.02.2023
Group A - 17. RoundMilas BldOkyanus Koleji3:1 (25:15, 25:27, 25:16, 25:17)details28.01.2023
Group A - 16. RoundOkyanus KolejiAydin Buyuksehir Belediye Spor0:3 (25:27, 15:25, 26:28)details21.01.2023
Group A - 15. RoundIstanbul BBOkyanus Koleji3:0 (25:19, 25:20, 25:18)details14.01.2023
Group A - 14. RoundOkyanus KolejiUrgup Spor0:3 (18:25, 23:25, 22:25)details07.01.2023
Group A - 13. RoundAlanya BldOkyanus Koleji3:0 (25:9, 25:16, 25:16)details25.12.2022
Group A - 12. RoundOkyanus KolejiKagitspor1:3 (25:16, 17:25, 18:25, 21:25)details18.12.2022
Group A - 11. RoundOkyanus KolejiBigadic Bld.0:3 (23:25, 19:25, 27:29)details11.12.2022
Group A - 10. RoundKolejlilerOkyanus Koleji3:0 (25:22, 25:20, 29:27)details04.12.2022
Group A - 9. RoundOkyanus KolejiSaint Joseph1:3 (29:31, 26:24, 17:25, 12:25)details27.11.2022
Group A - 8. RoundOkyanus KolejiTarim Kredi Genclik1:3 (25:18, 19:25, 15:25, 30:32)details20.11.2022
Group A - 7. RoundHGTC Bursa 2Okyanus Koleji0:3 (19:25, 17:25, 21:25)details13.11.2022
Group A - 6. RoundOkyanus KolejiMilas Bld1:3 (18:25, 25:22, 25:27, 21:25)details06.11.2022
Group A - 5. RoundAydin Buyuksehir Belediye SporOkyanus Koleji3:2 (25:22, 22:25, 21:25, 25:15, 15:6)details30.10.2022
Group A - 4. RoundOkyanus KolejiIstanbul BB0:3 (23:25, 13:25, 20:25)details23.10.2022
Group A - 3. RoundUrgup SporOkyanus Koleji3:1 (25:14, 25:18, 22:25, 25:18)details16.10.2022
Group A - 2. RoundOkyanus KolejiAlanya Bld1:3 (18:25, 25:23, 24:26, 14:25)details09.10.2022
Group A - 1. RoundKagitsporOkyanus Koleji3:0 (25:20, 29:27, 25:21)details02.10.2022
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