
Paganese Calcio 1926 (Italy)

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ItalyItaly: Serie D - Group G - Main
18. RoundGuidoniaPaganese      details05.01.2025 14:30
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ItalyItaly: Serie D - Group G - Main
17. RoundLatte DolcePaganese4:1 (0:1, 4:0)details21.12.2024
16. RoundPaganeseIlvamaddalena2:0 (1:0, 1:0)details15.12.2024
15. RoundAtletico UriPaganese0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details08.12.2024
14. RoundPaganeseSarnese1:0 (1:0, 0:0)details01.12.2024
13. RoundGelbisonPaganese1:1 (1:1, 0:0)details24.11.2024
ItalyItaly: Coppa Italia Serie D - Main
1/32-finalsPaganeseScafatese1:2 PEN. (1:1, 0:0, 4:5)details06.11.2024
ItalyItaly: Serie D - Group H - Main
34. RoundCitta di FasanoPaganese3:2 (2:1, 1:1)details05.05.2024
33. RoundPaganeseSanta Maria Cilento4:0 (2:0, 2:0)details28.04.2024
32. RoundAngriPaganese1:0 (1:0, 0:0)details21.04.2024
31. RoundPaganeseAltamura1:2 (0:1, 1:1)details14.04.2024
30. RoundMartina CalcioPaganese3:1 (1:0, 2:1)details07.04.2024
ItalyItaly: Coppa Italia Serie D - Main
1/16-finalsPaganeseCavese0:1 PEN. (0:0, 0:0, 0:0, 3:5)details29.11.2023
1/32-finalsSan MarzanoPaganese2:3 PEN. (2:2, 0:0, 4:5)details18.10.2023
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ItalyItaly: Serie D - Group G - Main
18. RoundGuidoniaPaganese      details05.01.2025 14:30
19. RoundPaganeseAnzio Calcio 1924      details12.01.2025 14:30
20. RoundReal MonterotondoPaganese      details19.01.2025 14:30
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