
Iceland Statistiche, Risultati e Prossime Partite

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EuropeEurope: Silver European League Women - Main
Georgia WIceland W3:1 (25:16, 21:25, 25:19, 25:15)dettagli02.06.2024
Iceland WLuxembourg W2:3 (25:21, 25:18, 23:25, 25:27, 14:16)dettagli01.06.2024
Montenegro WIceland W3:1 (25:14, 27:25, 20:25, 25:18)dettagli25.05.2024
Iceland WPortugal W0:3 (19:25, 18:25, 12:25)dettagli24.05.2024
Iceland WHungary W0:3 (20:25, 15:25, 15:25)dettagli19.05.2024
EuropeEurope: European Championships Women - Qualification
Group B - 6. TurnoIceland WCzech Republic W0:3 (15:25, 10:25, 8:25)dettagli11.09.2022
Group B - 2. TurnoIceland WMontenegro W0:3 (23:25, 20:25, 11:25)dettagli07.09.2022
Group B - 4. TurnoIceland WFinland W0:3 (15:25, 12:25, 19:25)dettagli03.09.2022
Group B - 3. TurnoFinland WIceland W3:0 (25:19, 25:16, 25:13)dettagli27.08.2022
Group B - 5. TurnoMontenegro WIceland W3:0 (25:7, 25:18, 25:17)dettagli24.08.2022
EuropeEurope: Games of the Small States of Europe Women - Main
Iceland WMontenegro W0:3 (13:25, 19:25, 21:25)dettagli01.06.2019
Liechtenstein WIceland W0:3 (17:25, 15:25, 21:25)dettagli31.05.2019
Luxembourg WIceland W2:3 (25:12, 25:22, 17:25, 21:25, 11:15)dettagli30.05.2019
Iceland WSan Marino W3:0 (26:24, 25:16, 25:11)dettagli29.05.2019
Cyprus WIceland W3:0 (25:18, 25:15, 25:23)dettagli28.05.2019
EuropeEurope: Small Countries European Championship Women - Main
Iceland WCyprus W3:1 (25:20, 15:25, 25:19, 25:21)dettagli25.06.2017
Luxembourg WIceland W0:3 (13:25, 26:28, 19:25)dettagli24.06.2017
Iceland WFaroe Islands W3:0 (25:17, 25:11, 25:18)dettagli24.06.2017
Scotland WIceland W3:1 (25:21, 25:19, 20:25, 25:22)dettagli23.06.2017
WorldWorld: World Championship Women - Qualification - Second round
Group BIceland WSlovakia W0:3 (11:25, 21:25, 11:25)dettagli28.05.2017
Group BCyprus WIceland W3:0 (25:20, 26:24, 25:21)dettagli27.05.2017
Group BIceland WCzech Republic W0:3 (6:25, 7:25, 13:25)dettagli25.05.2017
Group BPoland WIceland W3:0 (25:16, 25:5, 25:18)dettagli24.05.2017
Group BSerbia WIceland W3:0 (25:13, 25:15, 25:9)dettagli23.05.2017
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