United Kingdom

Elite League 2024/2025 Results

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Belfast - Dundee2:3Yesterday
Coventry - Cardiff3:4 ETYesterday
Guildford - Fife4:1Yesterday
Manchester - Glasgow4:3Yesterday
Nottingham - Sheffield2:1 PEN.Yesterday
Fife - Cardiff2:605.03.
Manchester - Dundee2:505.03.
Nottingham - Glasgow2:405.03.
Belfast - Glasgow2:3 ET02.03.
Coventry - Guildford3:202.03.
Dundee - Sheffield4:1002.03.
Fife - Nottingham1:402.03.
Cardiff - Fife6:001.03.
Guildford - Manchester4:5 PEN.01.03.
Nottingham - Dundee4:001.03.
Sheffield - Coventry0:601.03.
Glasgow - Cardiff4:128.02.
Manchester - Belfast4:328.02.
Cardiff - Sheffield6:226.02.
Coventry - Dundee2:423.02.
Fife - Glasgow3:2 PEN.23.02.
Guildford - Sheffield3:2 PEN.23.02.
Nottingham - Manchester3:123.02.
Belfast - Cardiff6:022.02.
Dundee - Guildford2:622.02.
Glasgow - Coventry3:4 PEN.22.02.
Manchester - Fife6:222.02.
Sheffield - Nottingham3:2 PEN.22.02.
Belfast - Cardiff4:121.02.
Glasgow - Manchester4:319.02.
Nottingham - Guildford2:419.02.
Sheffield - Fife8:119.02.
Coventry - Nottingham4:616.02.
Fife - Cardiff2:616.02.
Sheffield - Belfast5:216.02.
Cardiff - Manchester3:515.02.
Dundee - Glasgow3:4 ET15.02.
Guildford - Sheffield2:515.02.
Nottingham - Coventry6:215.02.
Belfast - Fife8:114.02.
Glasgow - Guildford4:214.02.
Manchester - Dundee3:414.02.
Belfast - Manchester3:109.02.
Coventry - Sheffield3:2 ET09.02.
Fife - Dundee3:809.02.
Guildford - Cardiff1:309.02.
Nottingham - Glasgow2:3 PEN.09.02.
Belfast - Guildford4:3 PEN.08.02.
Cardiff - Coventry3:508.02.
Dundee - Nottingham1:208.02.
Glasgow - Fife4:008.02.
Manchester - Sheffield1:308.02.
Glasgow - Fife9:405.02.
Coventry - Fife5:202.02.
Dundee - Belfast3:102.02.
Glasgow - Manchester2:3 ET02.02.
Sheffield - Cardiff3:002.02.
Cardiff - Nottingham2:301.02.
Dundee - Guildford4:3 ET01.02.
Fife - Belfast5:701.02.
Glasgow - Sheffield2:501.02.
Manchester - Coventry5:201.02.
Coventry - Guildford3:629.01.
Cardiff - Belfast1:426.01.
Coventry - Dundee3:2 ET26.01.
Guildford - Sheffield6:226.01.
Manchester - Nottingham0:426.01.
Belfast - Coventry3:2 PEN.25.01.
Dundee - Glasgow6:225.01.
Sheffield - Manchester4:225.01.
Nottingham - Guildford7:424.01.
Guildford - Belfast2:522.01.
Belfast - Manchester3:219.01.
Coventry - Guildford3:2 ET19.01.
Fife - Nottingham2:419.01.
Belfast - Sheffield4:218.01.
Guildford - Dundee5:018.01.
Manchester - Fife4:518.01.
Nottingham - Coventry2:118.01.
Glasgow - Sheffield1:317.01.
Coventry - Manchester5:112.01.
Dundee - Nottingham1:412.01.
Sheffield - Fife8:012.01.
Belfast - Nottingham4:211.01.
Fife - Dundee2:511.01.
Glasgow - Guildford5:4 ET11.01.
Manchester - Cardiff2:311.01.
Sheffield - Coventry5:011.01.
Belfast - Nottingham2:010.01.
Glasgow - Cardiff4:510.01.
Cardiff - Nottingham3:205.01.
Coventry - Belfast3:2 PEN.05.01.
Guildford - Fife7:105.01.
Dundee - Manchester3:404.01.
Fife - Coventry1:304.01.
Nottingham - Glasgow2:104.01.
Sheffield - Guildford4:104.01.
Belfast - Sheffield3:503.01.
Cardiff - Dundee2:403.01.
Manchester - Glasgow4:103.01.
Coventry - Nottingham0:301.01.
Guildford - Cardiff5:301.01.
Manchester - Sheffield2:401.01.
Cardiff - Guildford5:131.12.2024
Dundee - Belfast3:4 ET31.12.2024
Glasgow - Fife5:131.12.2024
Nottingham - Coventry9:231.12.2024
Belfast - Dundee5:230.12.2024
Fife - Glasgow3:830.12.2024
Sheffield - Manchester4:130.12.2024
Belfast - Glasgow4:128.12.2024
Cardiff - Coventry3:228.12.2024
Dundee - Fife7:228.12.2024
Guildford - Manchester6:428.12.2024
Nottingham - Sheffield2:328.12.2024
Coventry - Cardiff5:226.12.2024
Fife - Dundee2:326.12.2024
Glasgow - Belfast5:126.12.2024
Manchester - Guildford7:426.12.2024
Sheffield - Nottingham2:426.12.2024
Dundee - Glasgow8:522.12.2024
Guildford - Coventry3:2 PEN.22.12.2024
Cardiff - Sheffield5:121.12.2024
Coventry - Manchester1:521.12.2024
Fife - Belfast1:621.12.2024
Glasgow - Dundee3:221.12.2024
Nottingham - Guildford6:421.12.2024
Belfast - Coventry4:118.12.2024
Belfast - Sheffield3:015.12.2024
Dundee - Cardiff2:515.12.2024
Fife - Coventry1:715.12.2024
Cardiff - Manchester3:4 PEN.14.12.2024
Coventry - Dundee7:114.12.2024
Nottingham - Fife6:014.12.2024
Sheffield - Glasgow1:214.12.2024
Manchester - Nottingham3:4 ET13.12.2024
Belfast - Dundee7:111.12.2024
Sheffield - Guildford9:011.12.2024
Coventry - Belfast1:608.12.2024
Dundee - Sheffield3:408.12.2024
Fife - Guildford0:408.12.2024
Nottingham - Cardiff3:108.12.2024
Cardiff - Belfast3:4 ET07.12.2024
Glasgow - Dundee4:307.12.2024
Guildford - Nottingham5:4 ET07.12.2024
Manchester - Fife4:207.12.2024
Sheffield - Coventry5:207.12.2024
Glasgow - Manchester4:106.12.2024
Cardiff - Guildford4:101.12.2024
Fife - Sheffield5:301.12.2024
Nottingham - Dundee3:201.12.2024
Dundee - Belfast2:530.11.2024
Guildford - Coventry3:430.11.2024
Manchester - Cardiff0:630.11.2024
Sheffield - Nottingham2:430.11.2024
Glasgow - Belfast5:229.11.2024
Cardiff - Sheffield6:327.11.2024
Coventry - Fife9:224.11.2024
Nottingham - Manchester4:124.11.2024
Sheffield - Dundee2:424.11.2024
Dundee - Coventry3:4 PEN.23.11.2024
Fife - Cardiff4:523.11.2024
Guildford - Glasgow4:223.11.2024
Manchester - Sheffield3:823.11.2024
Nottingham - Belfast3:2 ET23.11.2024
Belfast - Guildford2:022.11.2024
Cardiff - Glasgow2:322.11.2024
Belfast - Glasgow5:117.11.2024
Coventry - Nottingham4:317.11.2024
Fife - Sheffield1:417.11.2024
Guildford - Manchester4:117.11.2024
Dundee - Guildford1:316.11.2024
Glasgow - Nottingham4:316.11.2024
Manchester - Dundee6:315.11.2024
Coventry - Cardiff0:310.11.2024
Dundee - Fife5:210.11.2024
Sheffield - Belfast5:210.11.2024
Fife - Glasgow4:5 ET09.11.2024
Guildford - Coventry2:109.11.2024
Manchester - Belfast2:709.11.2024
Nottingham - Sheffield2:409.11.2024
Cardiff - Guildford3:108.11.2024
Dundee - Cardiff4:606.11.2024
Coventry - Glasgow3:103.11.2024
Fife - Nottingham3:4 PEN.03.11.2024
Dundee - Coventry4:3 ET02.11.2024
Guildford - Glasgow5:302.11.2024
Nottingham - Cardiff3:102.11.2024
Manchester - Guildford2:401.11.2024
Guildford - Nottingham4:230.10.2024
Sheffield - Fife5:230.10.2024
Coventry - Belfast2:527.10.2024
Dundee - Nottingham2:126.10.2024
Guildford - Belfast1:326.10.2024
Manchester - Coventry2:626.10.2024
Sheffield - Dundee6:123.10.2024
Nottingham - Belfast5:120.10.2024
Belfast - Coventry4:619.10.2024
Cardiff - Manchester3:219.10.2024
Fife - Guildford4:719.10.2024
Nottingham - Dundee2:519.10.2024
Sheffield - Glasgow6:319.10.2024
Manchester - Glasgow7:318.10.2024
Glasgow - Coventry0:616.10.2024
Cardiff - Dundee6:113.10.2024
Coventry - Sheffield4:213.10.2024
Guildford - Dundee4:5 PEN.12.10.2024
Cardiff - Fife5:211.10.2024
Dundee - Sheffield2:606.10.2024
Guildford - Cardiff2:306.10.2024
Nottingham - Fife5:106.10.2024
Belfast - Cardiff3:105.10.2024
Fife - Manchester3:205.10.2024
Glasgow - Nottingham2:102.10.2024
Guildford - Fife4:129.09.2024
Sheffield - Belfast3:2 PEN.29.09.2024
Glasgow - Cardiff1:328.09.2024
Manchester - Belfast3:728.09.2024
Cardiff - Fife5:121.09.2024
Dundee - Manchester4:521.09.2024
Coventry - Glasgow4:215.09.2024
Cardiff - Glasgow3:114.09.2024
Fife - Manchester5:614.09.2024
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