
Sporting Club Ideal (Portugal)

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PortugalPortugal: Campeonato de Portugal - Relegation Group - Main
Group 10 - 6. RoundSC PraienseSporting Ideal3:0 (1:0, 2:0)details08.05.2022
Group 10 - 5. RoundSporting IdealCD Rabo Peixe1:0 details01.05.2022
Group 10 - 4. RoundSporting IdealOperario1:2 details24.04.2022
Group 10 - 3. RoundSporting IdealSC Praiense2:4 (2:2, 0:2)details10.04.2022
Group 10 - 2. RoundCD Rabo PeixeSporting Ideal6:0 (1:0, 5:0)details03.04.2022
PortugalPortugal: Campeonato de Portugal - Group E - Main
18. RoundSporting IdealSacavenense0:1 details06.03.2022
10. RoundSporting IdealPero Pinheiro0:1 (0:0, 0:1)details27.02.2022
17. RoundCoruchenseSporting Ideal1:5 (0:2, 1:3)details20.02.2022
16. RoundSporting IdealCD Rabo Peixe2:2 (1:1, 1:1)details13.02.2022
15. RoundSintrenseSporting Ideal2:1 (0:1, 2:0)details06.02.2022
PortugalPortugal: Taça de Portugal - Main
1/64-finalsSporting IdealValadares Gaia0:3 (0:1, 0:2)details26.09.2021
1/128-finalsSC PraienseSporting Ideal0:1 details11.09.2021
PortugalPortugal: Campeonato de Portugal - Group G - Main
22. RoundSporting IdealFabril do Barreiro3:2 (1:2, 2:0)details11.04.2021
21. RoundSporting CP BSporting Ideal2:0 (0:0, 2:0)details03.04.2021
13. RoundSporting IdealEstrela0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details20.03.2021
20. RoundSporting IdealMontijo4:0 (1:0, 3:0)details14.03.2021
12. RoundCD Rabo PeixeSporting Ideal2:1 (1:0, 1:1)details10.03.2021
PortugalPortugal: Taça de Portugal - Main
1/64-finalsSporting IdealMerelinense0:1 PEN. (0:0, 0:0, 0:0, 3:4)details11.10.2020
1/128-finalsSporting IdealVale Formoso4:0 (1:0, 3:0)details27.09.2020
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