
HK TAM Levice (Slovakia)

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SlovakiaSlovakia: 1. Liga - Main
25. RoundSkalicaHK Levice      details28.12.2024 17:30
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SlovakiaSlovakia: 1. Liga - Main
24. RoundHK LeviceTopolcany1:4 (0:0, 1:1, 0:3)details20.12.2024
23. RoundDubnicaHK Levice2:0 (0:0, 2:0, 0:0)details18.12.2024
22. RoundPovazska BystricaHK Levice4:5 ET (1:2, 2:2, 1:0, 0:1)details15.12.2024
21. RoundHK LevicePresov1:4 (1:2, 0:1, 0:1)details04.12.2024
20. RoundHC 19 HumenneHK Levice6:1 (2:0, 2:0, 2:1)details29.11.2024
SlovakiaSlovakia: Slovakia Cup - Main
Group C - 1. RoundHK LevicePresov2:4 (0:1, 1:1, 1:2)details17.09.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
HK LeviceSlovan Levice6:2 (4:1, 2:1, 0:0)details06.09.2024
HK LeviceHK Detva3:1 (2:1, 0:0, 1:0)details03.09.2024
UjpestHK Levice6:0 (2:0, 1:0, 3:0)details31.08.2024
SlovakiaSlovakia: Slovakia Cup - Main
Group C - 2. RoundHK LeviceZiar nad Hronom2:4 (0:0, 1:1, 1:3)details27.08.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
TrnavaHK Levice3:2 (1:1, 0:1, 2:0)details20.08.2024
Ziar nad HronomHK Levice7:0 (0:0, 4:0, 3:0)details15.08.2024
SlovakiaSlovakia: 2. Liga - Play Offs
Quarter-finals - 3rd legHK LeviceHK Detva1:4 (1:0, 0:2, 0:2)details02.03.2024
Quarter-finals - 2nd legHK DetvaHK Levice9:5 (1:0, 5:2, 3:3)details25.02.2024
Quarter-finals - 1st legHK DetvaHK Levice6:2 (1:0, 3:0, 2:2)details24.02.2024
SlovakiaSlovakia: 2. Liga - Losers stage
Group D - 6. RoundHK LeviceTEBS Bratislava6:10 (2:2, 2:3, 2:5)details17.02.2024
Group D - 5. RoundBreznoHK Levice1:6 (1:2, 0:3, 0:1)details10.02.2024
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SlovakiaSlovakia: 1. Liga - Main
25. RoundSkalicaHK Levice      details28.12.2024 17:30
26. RoundHK LeviceZiar nad Hronom      details30.12.2024 17:00
27. RoundTrebisovHK Levice      details05.01.2025 18:00
28. RoundTEBS BratislavaHK Levice      details08.01.2025 18:00
29. RoundHK LeviceTrnava      details10.01.2025 18:00
30. RoundHK DetvaHK Levice      details15.01.2025 18:00
31. RoundHK LeviceHC 19 Humenne      details17.01.2025 18:00
32. RoundPresovHK Levice      details22.01.2025 18:00
33. RoundHK LevicePovazska Bystrica      details24.01.2025 18:00
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