
FC Iberia 1999 (Georgia)

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GeorgiaGeorgia: Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga - Main
36. RoundIberia 1999Samgurali1:1 (1:0, 0:1)details08.12.2024
35. RoundGagraIberia 19991:2 (1:0, 0:2)details01.12.2024
34. RoundIberia 1999Kolkheti 19131:1 (1:0, 0:1)details27.11.2024
33. RoundDinamo BatumiIberia 19990:1 (0:0, 0:1)details23.11.2024
32. RoundIberia 1999Dila Gori3:2 (1:0, 2:2)details08.11.2024
EuropeEurope: Conference League - Qualification
Semi-finals - 2nd legBasaksehirIberia 19992:0 (0:0, 2:0)details15.08.2024
Semi-finals - 1st legIberia 1999Basaksehir0:1 (0:0, 0:1)details08.08.2024
Quarter-finals - 2nd legPartizaniIberia 19990:0 (0:0, 0:0)details01.08.2024
GeorgiaGeorgia: Georgian Cup - Main
1/8-finalsIberia 1999Dinamo Tbilisi1:2 (1:2, 0:0)details28.07.2024
EuropeEurope: Conference League - Qualification
Quarter-finals - 1st legIberia 1999Partizani2:0 (1:0, 1:0)details25.07.2024
GeorgiaGeorgia: Super Cup - Main
3rd placeDinamo BatumiIberia 19993:2 (1:1, 2:1)details03.07.2024
Semi-finalsIberia 1999Dinamo Tbilisi0:2 (0:1, 0:1)details28.06.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
Iberia 1999FC Gareji Sagarejo5:2 (1:2, 4:0)details24.02.2024
Vorskla PoltavaIberia 19991:0 (0:0, 1:0)details15.02.2024
Iberia 1999Oleksandriya0:3 (0:1, 0:2)details12.02.2024
Loco. TbilisiIberia 19990:0 (0:0, 0:0)details26.01.2024
Iberia 1999WIT Georgia5:0 (1:0, 4:0)details21.01.2024
GeorgiaGeorgia: Georgian Cup - Main
FinalIberia 1999Dinamo Batumi1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details06.12.2023
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