
Hertha Berliner Sport-Club (Germany)

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GermanyGermany: 2. Bundesliga - Main
18. RoundPaderbornHertha Berlin details19.01.2025 13:30
19. RoundHertha BerlinHamburger SV      details25.01.2025 20:30
20. RoundRegensburgHertha Berlin      details01.02.2025 13:00
21. RoundHertha BerlinKaiserslautern      details08.02.2025 20:30
22. RoundDusseldorfHertha Berlin      details15.02.2025 20:30
23. RoundHertha BerlinNurnberg      details21.02.2025 18:30
24. RoundElversbergHertha Berlin      details02.03.2025 13:30
25. RoundHertha BerlinSchalke      details09.03.2025 13:30
26. RoundBraunschweigHertha Berlin      details16.03.2025 13:30
27. RoundHertha BerlinKarlsruher SC      details30.03.2025 13:30
28. RoundFC KolnHertha Berlin      details06.04.2025 13:30
29. RoundHertha BerlinDarmstadt      details13.04.2025 13:30
30. RoundUlmHertha Berlin      details20.04.2025 13:30
31. RoundHertha BerlinMagdeburg      details27.04.2025 13:30
32. RoundHertha BerlinGreuther Furth      details04.05.2025 13:30
33. RoundPreussen MunsterHertha Berlin      details11.05.2025 13:30
34. RoundHertha BerlinHannover      details18.05.2025 15:30
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