
Asteras Tripolis FC (Greece)

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GreeceGreece: Super League - Main
17. RoundAtromitosAsteras Tripolis details05.01.2025 18:30
GreeceGreece: Greek Cup - Main
Quarter-finals - 2nd legAsteras TripolisPanionios details08.01.2025 17:00
GreeceGreece: Super League - Main
18. RoundAsteras TripolisPanetolikos details13.01.2025 17:00
19. RoundLevadiakosAsteras Tripolis      details19.01.2025 15:30
20. RoundAsteras TripolisAthens Kallithea      details25.01.2025 16:00
21. RoundAsteras TripolisLamia      details03.02.2025 17:00
22. RoundOlympiacos PiraeusAsteras Tripolis      details09.02.2025 16:00
23. RoundOFI CreteAsteras Tripolis      details15.02.2025 16:00
24. RoundAsteras TripolisAEK Athens FC      details23.02.2025 18:30
25. RoundPAOKAsteras Tripolis      details02.03.2025 18:30
26. RoundAsteras TripolisPanserraikos      details09.03.2025 18:00
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