
Ydun Stats, Results & Fixtures

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DenmarkDenmark: 1. Division Women - Main
26. RoundYdun WRingsted W20:20 (10:9, 10:11)details02.04.2016
25. RoundLyngby WYdun W35:17 (20:6, 15:11)details23.03.2016
24. RoundYdun WRoskilde W0:0 AWA. details20.03.2016
23. RoundVSH WYdun W27:18 (12:10, 15:8)details12.03.2016
22. RoundYdun WRodovre W18:19 (9:7, 9:12)details06.03.2016
21. RoundDHG WYdun W19:21 (11:10, 8:11)details27.02.2016
20. RoundYdun WVendsyssel W27:28 (16:11, 11:17)details21.02.2016
19. RoundEH Aalborg WYdun W30:23 details13.02.2016
18. RoundYdun WSkanderborg W20:28 (5:15, 15:13)details07.02.2016
17. RoundFredericia WYdun W28:20 (12:11, 16:9)details24.01.2016
16. RoundYdun WAjax Kobenhavn W16:26 (10:13, 6:13)details16.01.2016
15. RoundHadsten WYdun W30:18 details09.01.2016
14. RoundYdun WBjerringbro W18:26 details19.12.2015
13. RoundRingsted WYdun W20:22 (12:11, 8:11)details11.12.2015
11. RoundRoskilde WYdun W27:21 (14:8, 13:13)details28.11.2015
10. RoundYdun WVSH W21:17 (10:7, 11:10)details22.11.2015
12. RoundYdun WLyngby W22:23 (15:10, 7:13)details18.11.2015
9. RoundRodovre WYdun W20:17 (12:11, 8:6)details13.11.2015
8. RoundYdun WDHG W19:20 (10:7, 9:13)details08.11.2015
7. RoundVendsyssel WYdun W29:26 (15:12, 14:14)details01.11.2015
6. RoundYdun WEH Aalborg W23:26 details25.10.2015
5. RoundSkanderborg WYdun W23:18 (11:11, 12:7)details17.10.2015
4. RoundYdun WFredericia W24:27 (14:11, 10:16)details04.10.2015
3. RoundAjax Kobenhavn WYdun W22:14 (12:8, 10:6)details27.09.2015
2. RoundYdun WHadsten W25:21 (10:11, 15:10)details20.09.2015
1. RoundBjerringbro WYdun W30:21 (12:12, 18:9)details12.09.2015
DenmarkDenmark: 1. Division Women - Relegation
Final - 2nd legRodovre WYdun W28:22 details26.04.2015
Final - 1st legYdun WRodovre W25:22 details19.04.2015
DenmarkDenmark: Landspokalturnering Women - Main
1/8-finalsYdun WCopenhagen W22:35 details31.08.2014
DenmarkDenmark: 1. Division Women - Main
Silkeborg-Voel WYdun W34:16 (20:7, 14:9)details17.03.2013
Ydun WAjax Kobenhavn W23:32 details06.03.2013
Ydun WFredericia W25:28 (10:12, 15:16)details02.03.2013
Bjerringbro WYdun W21:26 details24.02.2013
Ydun WHadsten W25:31 (13:14, 12:17)details17.02.2013
NFH WYdun W35:19 (15:10, 20:9)details13.02.2013
Ydun WTarm-Foersum W23:22 (11:11, 12:11)details06.02.2013
Ringkobing WYdun W45:22 (22:9, 23:13)details03.02.2013
Ydun WVSH W23:28 (12:14, 11:14)details23.01.2013
Lyngby WYdun W28:18 details19.01.2013
Ydun WRoskilde W15:30 (8:11, 7:19)details12.01.2013
SK Aarhus WYdun W25:17 (9:8, 16:9)details05.01.2013
Ydun WVendsyssel W25:29 (14:13, 11:16)details15.12.2012
Ydun WSilkeborg-Voel W22:23 (8:11, 14:12)details08.12.2012
Ajax Kobenhavn WYdun W24:19 details30.11.2012
Fredericia WYdun W25:20 (12:8, 13:12)details25.11.2012
Ydun WBjerringbro W30:28 details17.11.2012
Hadsten WYdun W25:29 details11.11.2012
Ydun WNFH W24:41 details31.10.2012
Tarm-Foersum WYdun W23:17 details28.10.2012
Ydun WRingkobing W19:24 details21.10.2012
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