
Wacker Thun (Switzerland)

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SwitzerlandSwitzerland: NLA - Main
19. RoundPfadi WinterthurWacker Thun      details05.02.2025 19:00
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SwitzerlandSwitzerland: Schweizer Cup - Main
Quarter-finalsSt. GallenWacker Thun26:27 (12:12, 14:15)details21.12.2024
SwitzerlandSwitzerland: NLA - Main
18. RoundWacker ThunKadetten Schaffhausen31:40 (17:22, 14:18)details18.12.2024
17. RoundZurichWacker Thun30:35 (12:17, 18:18)details15.12.2024
16. RoundWacker ThunHC Kriens26:29 (16:18, 10:11)details11.12.2024
15. RoundSuhr AarauWacker Thun27:30 (14:12, 13:18)details08.12.2024
14. RoundRTV BaselWacker Thun24:27 (15:13, 9:14)details04.12.2024
SwitzerlandSwitzerland: Schweizer Cup - Main
1/8-finalsWacker ThunSuhr Aarau34:33 (15:13, 19:20)details16.11.2024
1/16-finalsSiggenthalWacker Thun27:43 (18:23, 9:20)details16.10.2024
SwitzerlandSwitzerland: Schweizer Cup - Main
Semi-finalsKadetten SchaffhausenWacker Thun30:25 (13:9, 17:16)details09.03.2024
Quarter-finalsEspoirsWacker Thun25:37 (8:19, 17:18)details31.01.2024
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