
KPR Ruch Chorzow (Poland)

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PolandPoland: Superliga Women - Main
9. RoundKalisz WRuch Chorzow W      details29.12.2024 16:00
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PolandPoland: Superliga Women - Main
8. RoundRuch Chorzow WSosnica Gliwice W21:23 (15:11, 6:12)details09.11.2024
7. RoundGniezno WRuch Chorzow W31:25 (13:9, 18:16)details30.10.2024
6. RoundRuch Chorzow WStart Elblag W29:30 (12:13, 17:17)details19.10.2024
5. RoundMKS Lublin WRuch Chorzow W38:27 (18:10, 20:17)details12.10.2024
4. RoundRuch Chorzow WZaglebie W19:28 (13:11, 6:17)details05.10.2024
PolandPoland: Central League Women - Main
22. RoundZory WRuch Chorzow W31:34 (12:16, 19:18)details11.05.2024
21. RoundRuch Chorzow WJelenia Gora W40:26 (21:12, 19:14)details05.05.2024
20. RoundRuch Chorzow WSambor Tczew W30:23 (15:11, 15:12)details27.04.2024
19. RoundGdynia WRuch Chorzow W25:26 (14:11, 11:15)details20.04.2024
13. RoundRadom WRuch Chorzow W26:30 (16:18, 10:12)details13.04.2024
PolandPoland: Polish Cup Women - Main
1/8-finalsRuch Chorzow WKobierzyce W18:47 (9:21, 9:26)details23.01.2024
1/16-finalsOlkusz WRuch Chorzow W27:35 (15:16, 12:19)details07.11.2023
WorldWorld: Club Friendly Women - Main
Ruch Chorzow WOlomouc W32:33 (18:16, 14:17)details20.08.2023
Ruch Chorzow WSala W31:29 (15:14, 16:15)details19.08.2023
Ruch Chorzow WStockerau W26:26 (9:13, 17:13)details18.08.2023
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PolandPoland: Superliga Women - Main
9. RoundKalisz WRuch Chorzow W      details29.12.2024 16:00
10. RoundPiotrcovia WRuch Chorzow W      details04.01.2025 18:00
11. RoundRuch Chorzow WKobierzyce W      details07.01.2025 20:30
PolandPoland: Polish Cup Women - Main
1/8-finalsRuch Chorzow WKalisz W      details08.01.2025 18:00
PolandPoland: Superliga Women - Main
12. RoundKoszalin WRuch Chorzow W      details18.01.2025 16:00
13. RoundZaglebie WRuch Chorzow W      details22.01.2025 18:00
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