
Clubul Sportiv Rapid CFR Bucuresti (Romania)

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RomaniaRomania: Liga Nationala Women - Main
11. RoundCorona Brasov WRapid Bucuresti W      details22.12.2024 16:30
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RomaniaRomania: Liga Nationala Women - Main
14. RoundMagura Cisnadiei WRapid Bucuresti WPOSTP. details19.01.2025
15. RoundRapid Bucuresti WTargu Jiu WPOSTP. details26.01.2025
17. RoundRapid Bucuresti WBuzau WPOSTP. details16.02.2025
18. RoundZalau WRapid Bucuresti WPOSTP. details23.02.2025
EuropeEurope: Champions League Women - Main
Group B - 8. RoundRapid Bucuresti WGyor W25:28 (11:15, 14:13)details17.11.2024
RomaniaRomania: Liga Nationala Women - Main
10. RoundRapid Bucuresti WDunarea Braila W35:35 (19:23, 16:12)details13.11.2024
EuropeEurope: Champions League Women - Main
Group B - 7. RoundGyor WRapid Bucuresti W31:20 (16:11, 15:9)details09.11.2024
Group B - 6. RoundRapid Bucuresti WBrest Bretagne W31:34 (14:14, 17:20)details19.10.2024
Group B - 5. RoundOdense WRapid Bucuresti W32:24 (14:12, 18:12)details13.10.2024
Group B - 4. RoundEsbjerg WRapid Bucuresti W39:32 (18:15, 21:17)details06.10.2024
RomaniaRomania: Super Cup Women - Main
3rd placeRapid Bucuresti WDunarea Braila W25:35 (13:20, 12:15)details23.08.2024
Semi-finalsRapid Bucuresti WBistrita W28:36 (16:16, 12:20)details22.08.2024
RomaniaRomania: Romanian Cup Women - Main
3rd placeRapid Bucuresti WBistrita W36:39 ET (12:15, 17:14, 7:10)details21.04.2024
Semi-finalsCSM Bucuresti WRapid Bucuresti W27:23 (16:10, 11:13)details20.04.2024
Quarter-finalsBuzau WRapid Bucuresti W23:29 (13:14, 10:15)details27.03.2024
1/8-finalsRapid Bucuresti WSCM Craiova W34:31 (19:13, 15:18)details14.02.2024
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RomaniaRomania: Liga Nationala Women - Main
11. RoundCorona Brasov WRapid Bucuresti W      details22.12.2024 16:30
12. RoundRapid Bucuresti WIasi W      details28.12.2024 16:30
13. RoundCSM Slatina WRapid Bucuresti W      details05.01.2025 17:00
EuropeEurope: Champions League Women - Main
Group B - 9. RoundBrest Bretagne WRapid Bucuresti W      details11.01.2025 18:00
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