
SC Olhanense (Portugal)

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PortugalPortugal: Campeonato de Portugal - Group D - Main
26. RoundEsperanca de LagosOlhanense0:1 (0:1, 0:0)details16.04.2023
25. RoundOlhanenseImortal0:2 (0:0, 0:2)details08.04.2023
24. RoundSC PraienseOlhanense5:0 details02.04.2023
23. RoundOlhanenseVasco da Gama2:3 (2:0, 0:3)details18.03.2023
22. RoundOriental DragonOlhanense1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details12.03.2023
PortugalPortugal: Taça de Portugal - Main
1/32-finalsOlhanenseBSAD0:2 (0:1, 0:1)details14.10.2022
1/64-finalsOlhanenseMonte do Trigo1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details02.10.2022
1/128-finalsAtletico SCOlhanense2:5 (0:1, 2:4)details11.09.2022
PortugalPortugal: Campeonato de Portugal - Promotion Group - Main
South - 10. RoundOlhanenseSertanense2:1 (0:1, 2:0)details29.05.2022
South - 9. RoundMoncarapachenseOlhanense0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details22.05.2022
South - 8. RoundFontinhasOlhanense2:0 (0:0, 2:0)details15.05.2022
South - 7. RoundOlhanensePero Pinheiro2:2 (1:2, 1:0)details08.05.2022
South - 6. RoundOs BelenensesOlhanense3:0 (1:0, 2:0)details01.05.2022
PortugalPortugal: Campeonato de Portugal - Group F - Main
18. RoundOlhanenseEsperanca de Lagos3:3 (2:0, 1:3)details05.03.2022
12. RoundMoncarapachenseOlhanense1:1 details01.03.2022
11. RoundOlhanenseFC Barreirense2:0 details26.02.2022
8. RoundOlhanenseJuv. Evora1:1 (1:1, 0:0)details20.02.2022
7. RoundOlhanenseImortal5:1 (2:1, 3:0)details12.02.2022
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