
Jabal Al Mukaber (Palestine)

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AsiaAsia: AFC Cup - Main
Group A - 6. RoundJabal Al MukaberAl NahdaCAN. details12.12.2023
Group A - 5. RoundFoutouaJabal Al MukaberCAN. details27.11.2023
Group A - 4. RoundJabal Al MukaberAl AhedCAN. details06.11.2023
Group A - 3. RoundAl AhedJabal Al MukaberCAN. details23.10.2023
PalestinePalestine: West Bank League - Main
4. RoundAl-SawahrehJabal Al MukaberPOSTP. details07.10.2023
AsiaAsia: AFC Cup - Main
Group A - 2. RoundAl NahdaJabal Al Mukaber4:0 (2:0, 2:0)details02.10.2023
PalestinePalestine: West Bank League - Main
3. RoundJabal Al MukaberMerkazPOSTP. details01.10.2023
2. RoundAl QudsJabal Al Mukaber0:4 (0:1, 0:3)details25.08.2023
1. RoundJabal Al MukaberThaqafi Tulkarem3:3 (2:1, 1:2)details19.08.2023
PalestinePalestine: West Bank League - Main
22. RoundJabal Al MukaberAl Amari3:1 (1:1, 2:0)details05.03.2023
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