
Handballclub Kriens (Switzerland)

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SwitzerlandSwitzerland: NLA - Main
19. RoundHC KriensSuhr Aarau      details05.02.2025 19:30
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SwitzerlandSwitzerland: Schweizer Cup - Main
Quarter-finalsHC KriensBern33:32 (16:14, 17:18)details23.12.2024
SwitzerlandSwitzerland: NLA - Main
18. RoundKreuzlingenHC Kriens35:33 (21:22, 14:11)details18.12.2024
13. RoundZurichHC KriensPOSTP. details17.12.2024
17. RoundHC KriensRTV Basel40:25 (25:12, 15:13)details14.12.2024
16. RoundWacker ThunHC Kriens26:29 (16:18, 10:11)details11.12.2024
15. RoundHC KriensSt. Gallen43:31 (25:17, 18:14)details07.12.2024
EuropeEurope: European League - Group Stage
Group A - 6. RoundHC KriensGOG32:30 (13:12, 19:18)details26.11.2024
SwitzerlandSwitzerland: Schweizer Cup - Main
1/8-finalsZurichHC Kriens28:29 (14:14, 14:15)details23.11.2024
EuropeEurope: European League - Group Stage
Group A - 5. RoundAdemarHC Kriens30:31 (14:13, 16:18)details19.11.2024
Group A - 4. RoundHC KriensGorenje30:25 (15:12, 15:13)details29.10.2024
Group A - 3. RoundGorenjeHC Kriens27:33 (14:19, 13:14)details22.10.2024
Group A - 2. RoundGOGHC Kriens39:36 (19:14, 20:22)details15.10.2024
SwitzerlandSwitzerland: Super Cup - Main
FinalKadetten SchaffhausenHC Kriens35:34 ET (15:14, 14:15, 6:5)details24.08.2024
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