
RK Eurofarm Pelister (North Macedonia)

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WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
OhridEurofarm Pelister 233:23 (19:9, 14:14)details02.09.2024
PrilepEurofarm Pelister 228:31 details29.08.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Relegation
FinalEurofarm Pelister 2Radovis26:27 (14:9, 12:18)details09.06.2024
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia: Superleague - Losers stage
14. RoundPrilepEurofarm Pelister 231:24 (16:12, 15:12)details01.06.2024
13. RoundEurofarm Pelister 2Golden Art39:25 (20:15, 19:10)details26.05.2024
12. RoundSkopje 2020Eurofarm Pelister 230:34 (11:16, 19:18)details01.05.2024
11. RoundEurofarm Pelister 2Multi Esens30:21 (15:10, 15:11)details27.04.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
Eurofarm Pelister 2Tikvesh23:26 (12:17, 11:9)details23.03.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
Eurofarm Pelister 2Ovce PoleCAN. details09.12.2023
PrilepEurofarm Pelister 229:24 (15:14, 14:10)details28.08.2023
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