
Ajax Kobenhavn (Denmark)

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DenmarkDenmark: 1. Division - Main
4. RoundOdderAjax Kobenhavn27:28 (14:12, 13:16)details25.09.2022
3. RoundAjax KobenhavnGrindsted29:25 (15:14, 14:11)details17.09.2022
2. RoundRaekker MolleAjax Kobenhavn35:30 (18:19, 17:11)details09.09.2022
1. RoundAjax KobenhavnFIF39:30 (20:11, 19:19)details02.09.2022
DenmarkDenmark: Santander Cup - Main
1/8-finalsAjax KobenhavnSkanderborg AGF28:36 (12:20, 16:16)details24.08.2022
DenmarkDenmark: 1. Division - Main
26. RoundAjax KobenhavnRoskilde27:29 (12:11, 15:18)details09.04.2022
DenmarkDenmark: Herre Handbold Ligaen - Relegation
Final - 3rd legSkiveAjax KobenhavnCAN. details12.05.2021
Final - 2nd legAjax KobenhavnSkive26:26 (12:15, 14:11)details08.05.2021
Final - 1st legSkiveAjax Kobenhavn35:24 (16:10, 19:14)details24.04.2021
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