
Friendly International 2016Friendly International

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Nicaragua - Trinidad & Tobago1:331.12.2016
Basque Country - Tunisia3:130.12.2016
Uganda - GabonCAN.   29.12.2016
Catalonia Selection - Tunisia3:4 PEN.28.12.2016
Nicaragua - Trinidad & Tobago2:128.12.2016
Ivory Coast - Zimbabwe0:026.12.2016
Germany U18 - Serbia U182:015.12.2016
Israel U18 - South Korea U183:2 PEN.15.12.2016
Israel U18 - Germany U180:413.12.2016
Serbia U18 - South Korea U183:013.12.2016
Uruguay U20 - Argentina U20CAN.29.11.2016
Antigua and Barbuda - Estonia0:123.11.2016
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Estonia1:120.11.2016
Austria - Slovakia0:015.11.2016
Bahrain - Kyrgyzstan0:015.11.2016
Czech Republic - Denmark1:115.11.2016
England - Spain2:215.11.2016
France - Ivory Coast0:015.11.2016
Gabon - Comoros1:115.11.2016
Hungary - Sweden0:215.11.2016
Italy - Germany0:015.11.2016
Jordan - Lebanon0:015.11.2016
Kenya - Liberia1:015.11.2016
Malta - Iceland0:215.11.2016
Malta U21 - Cyprus U212:215.11.2016
Morocco - Togo2:115.11.2016
Mozambique - South Africa1:115.11.2016
Netherlands U21 - Portugal U211:115.11.2016
Northern Ireland - Croatia0:315.11.2016
Poland U21 - Germany U211:015.11.2016
Russia - Romania1:015.11.2016
Switzerland U20 - Italy U200:115.11.2016
Tunisia - Mauritania0:015.11.2016
Ukraine - Serbia2:015.11.2016
France U19 - Spain U190:214.11.2016
France U20 - Netherlands U201:114.11.2016
France U21 - England U213:214.11.2016
Georgia U19 - Netherlands U190:114.11.2016
Germany U20 - Poland U204:014.11.2016
Italy U21 - Denmark U210:014.11.2016
Malaysia - Papua New Guinea2:114.11.2016
Myanmar - Oman0:314.11.2016
Poland - Slovenia1:114.11.2016
Switzerland U21 - Russia U213:214.11.2016
Cyprus - RussiaCAN.   13.11.2016
Paraguay U20 - Venezuela U201:513.11.2016
Peru U20 - Colombia U200:213.11.2016
Serbia U21 - Montenegro U212:113.11.2016
Singapore - Cambodia1:013.11.2016
Tajikistan - Afghanistan1:013.11.2016
Zimbabwe - Tanzania3:013.11.2016
Kenya - Mozambique1:012.11.2016
Slovakia U21 - Norway U211:3   12.11.2016
Venezuela U20 - Peru U202:212.11.2016
Cyprus U21 - Greece U212:211.11.2016
Georgia U19 - France U190:411.11.2016
Japan - Oman4:011.11.2016
Paraguay U20 - Colombia U200:111.11.2016
Portugal U21 - Czech Republic U213:111.11.2016
Slovakia U19 - Poland U191:011.11.2016
South Korea - Canada2:011.11.2016
Spain U19 - Netherlands U192:111.11.2016
Togo - Comoros2:211.11.2016
Ukraine U21 - Belarus U211:011.11.2016
Bosnia & Herzegovina U21 - Montenegro U212:010.11.2016
England U21 - Italy U213:210.11.2016
France U21 - Ivory Coast U215:110.11.2016
Germany U21 - Turkey U211:010.11.2016
Iran - Papua New Guinea8:110.11.2016
Italy U20 - Germany U200:110.11.2016
Lebanon - Palestine1:110.11.2016
Peru U20 - Paraguay U201:210.11.2016
Qatar - Russia2:110.11.2016
Russia U21 - Switzerland U211:210.11.2016
Uzbekistan - Jordan1:010.11.2016
Belgium U19 - Slovakia U191:009.11.2016
Georgia U19 - Spain U190:309.11.2016
Greece - Belarus0:109.11.2016
Netherlands - Belgium1:109.11.2016
Netherlands U19 - France U191:109.11.2016
Philippines - Kyrgyzstan1:009.11.2016
Slovakia U21 - Scotland U214:009.11.2016
Syria - Singapore2:009.11.2016
Tajikistan - Turkmenistan3:009.11.2016
United Arab Emirates - Bahrain2:009.11.2016
Venezuela U20 - Colombia U201:009.11.2016
Uganda - Zambia0:108.11.2016
Vietnam - Indonesia3:208.11.2016
Jordan - Iraq0:006.11.2016
Zimbabwe - Zambia1:005.11.2016
Myanmar - Indonesia0:004.11.2016
Honduras - Belize5:002.11.2016
Panama - Mexico0:112.10.2016
USA - New Zealand1:112.10.2016
Hong Kong - Singapore2:011.10.2016
Hungary U19 - Greece U191:011.10.2016
Italy U20 - Switzerland U202:411.10.2016
Kyrgyzstan - Turkmenistan1:011.10.2016
Lebanon - Equatorial Guinea1:111.10.2016
Malaysia - Afghanistan1:111.10.2016
Morocco - Canada4:011.10.2016
Oman - Bahrain2:211.10.2016
South Africa - Ghana1:111.10.2016
England U20 - USA U202:010.10.2016
Georgia U19 - Serbia U190:110.10.2016
Morocco - Jordan2:110.10.2016
Philippines - North Korea1:310.10.2016
Poland U21 - Montenegro U216:010.10.2016
Belize - Honduras1:209.10.2016
Cambodia - Sri Lanka4:009.10.2016
Indonesia - Vietnam2:209.10.2016
Mexico - New Zealand2:109.10.2016
Russia - Costa Rica3:409.10.2016
Togo - Mozambique2:009.10.2016
Ukraine U18 - Austria U180:1   09.10.2016
Solomon Islands - New Caledonia0:108.10.2016
Cuba - USA0:207.10.2016
England U20 - Germany U203:107.10.2016
Netherlands U20 - USA U205:307.10.2016
Oman - Jordan1:107.10.2016
Philippines - Bahrain1:307.10.2016
Singapore - Malaysia0:007.10.2016
Ukraine U18 - Austria U181:107.10.2016
Cambodia - Hong Kong0:206.10.2016
France U21 - Georgia U215:106.10.2016
Italy U20 - Poland U203:006.10.2016
Kyrgyzstan - Lebanon0:006.10.2016
Luxembourg U19 - Montenegro U191:206.10.2016
Mauritania - Canada0:406.10.2016
Moldova U19 - Cyprus U193:206.10.2016
Poland U21 - Ukraine U202:006.10.2016
Portugal U19 - Italy U191:206.10.2016
Switzerland U19 - Denmark U190:406.10.2016
Vietnam - North Korea5:206.10.2016
Cyprus U21 - Myanmar U213:105.10.2016
England U20 - Netherlands U202:005.10.2016
Solomon Islands - New Caledonia0:3   05.10.2016
Tajikistan - Palestine3:305.10.2016
Uruguay U20 - Venezuela U203:105.10.2016
USA U20 - Germany U200:105.10.2016
D.R. Congo - Kenya0:104.10.2016
Moldova U19 - Cyprus U190:004.10.2016
Togo - Uganda1:004.10.2016
Botswana - Angola2:1 PEN.30.09.2016
Qatar - Serbia3:029.09.2016
North Macedonia U19 - Bosnia & Herzegovina U192:015.09.2016
Latvia U19 - Russia U191:507.09.2016
Belgium U19 - Czech Republic U194:106.09.2016
Cameroon - Gabon2:106.09.2016
Finland U19 - Romania U190:106.09.2016
Indonesia - Malaysia3:006.09.2016
Ireland U19 - Austria U193:106.09.2016
Kyrgyzstan - Philippines1:206.09.2016
Moldova U19 - Armenia U191:206.09.2016
Palestine - Tajikistan1:106.09.2016
Poland U20 - Germany U203:006.09.2016
Poland U21 - Hungary U211:106.09.2016
Russia - Ghana1:006.09.2016
South Africa - Egypt1:006.09.2016
Germany U19 - Netherlands U191:205.09.2016
Greece U19 - Scotland U190:105.09.2016
Latvia U19 - Russia U191:205.09.2016
Lebanon - Afghanistan2:005.09.2016
Bahrain - Jordan0:004.09.2016
England U20 - Brazil U201:204.09.2016
Estonia U19 - Belarus U191:104.09.2016
Georgia U19 - Lithuania U193:004.09.2016
Ireland U19 - Austria U191:004.09.2016
Moldova U19 - Armenia U192:204.09.2016
Slovenia U19 - Poland U190:004.09.2016
Greece U19 - Scotland U191:003.09.2016
India - Puerto Rico4:103.09.2016
Serbia U19 - France U192:103.09.2016
Ukraine U19 - Hungary U190:103.09.2016
Czech Republic U19 - Italy U192:102.09.2016
Estonia U19 - Belarus U190:202.09.2016
France U19 - USA U192:002.09.2016
Georgia U19 - Lithuania U191:102.09.2016
Germany U19 - Russia U190:102.09.2016
Germany U21 - Slovakia U213:002.09.2016
Israel U19 - Hungary U193:002.09.2016
Latvia - Luxembourg3:102.09.2016
Philippines - TurkmenistanCAN.   02.09.2016
Slovenia U19 - Poland U190:002.09.2016
Sudan - Gabon1:202.09.2016
Bahrain - Singapore3:101.09.2016
Belgium - Spain0:201.09.2016
Hong Kong - Cambodia4:201.09.2016
Israel U19 - Ukraine U191:201.09.2016
Italy - France1:301.09.2016
Maldives - Bangladesh5:001.09.2016
Netherlands - Greece1:201.09.2016
Nicaragua - Saint Kitts and Nevis0:001.09.2016
North Macedonia U19 - Cyprus U191:001.09.2016
Portugal - Gibraltar5:001.09.2016
Serbia U19 - USA U192:101.09.2016
Slovakia U19 - Switzerland U191:301.09.2016
Albania - Morocco0:031.08.2016
Czech Republic - Armenia3:031.08.2016
Denmark - Liechtenstein5:031.08.2016
Estonia - Malta1:131.08.2016
Germany - Finland2:031.08.2016
Ireland - Oman4:031.08.2016
Lebanon - Jordan1:131.08.2016
Norway - Belarus0:131.08.2016
Puerto Rico - Dominican Republic0:131.08.2016
Turkey - Russia0:031.08.2016
Egypt - Guinea1:130.08.2016
Kyrgyzstan - Kazakhstan2:030.08.2016
Slovakia U19 - Switzerland U190:130.08.2016
Uganda - Kenya0:030.08.2016
Dominican Republic - Puerto Rico5:028.08.2016
Tajikistan - Syria0:027.08.2016
Qatar - Thailand3:025.08.2016
Honduras - Nicaragua1:024.08.2016
North Korea - United Arab Emirates2:024.08.2016
Saudi Arabia - Laos4:024.08.2016
Uzbekistan - Burkina Faso1:024.08.2016
Iraq - North Korea1:1   21.08.2016
Jordan - Qatar2:318.08.2016
Panama - Guatemala0:011.08.2016
Belarus U21 - Moldova U211:110.08.2016
Italy U21 - Albania U210:010.08.2016
Belarus U19 - Armenia U194:209.08.2016
Oman - Turkmenistan1:0   08.08.2016
Qatar - Iraq2:108.08.2016
Cambodia - Singapore2:128.07.2016
Uzbekistan - Iraq2:124.07.2016
Granada CF - Algeria U230:023.07.2016
Nicaragua - GuatemalaCAN.   09.07.2016
Strasbourg - France U190:0   06.07.2016
Fiji - Malaysia1:126.06.2016
Paraguay U20 - Chile U203:024.06.2016
Paraguay U20 - Chile U201:122.06.2016
Uruguay U20 - Guatemala U201:022.06.2016
Austria U18 - Czech Republic U183:419.06.2016
Czech Republic U19 - Croatia U192:5   19.06.2016
Portugal U18 - Russia U180:119.06.2016
Papua New Guinea - Malaysia2:0   17.06.2016
Portugal U18 - Czech Republic U185:217.06.2016
Russia U18 - Austria U181:017.06.2016
China U19 - Czech Republic U190:015.06.2016
Czech Republic U18 - Russia U183:315.06.2016
Japan U19 - Croatia U195:015.06.2016
Portugal U18 - Austria U182:115.06.2016
Panama U20 - Peru U201:310.06.2016
Bulgaria U19 - Norway U182:208.06.2016
Namibia - Malawi0:0   08.06.2016
Portugal - Estonia7:008.06.2016
Australia - Greece1:207.06.2016
Canada - Uzbekistan2:107.06.2016
China - Kazakhstan0:107.06.2016
Iran - Kyrgyzstan6:007.06.2016
Spain - Georgia0:107.06.2016
Bulgaria U21 - Norway U210:206.06.2016
Iceland - Liechtenstein4:006.06.2016
Italy - Finland2:006.06.2016
Myanmar - Hong Kong3:006.06.2016
Poland - Lithuania0:006.06.2016
South Korea U23 - Denmark U231:106.06.2016
Vietnam - Singapore3:0 ET06.06.2016
Belgium - Norway3:205.06.2016
Czech Republic - South Korea1:205.06.2016
Morocco U23 - Cameroon U231:005.06.2016
Serbia - Russia1:105.06.2016
Slovenia - Turkey0:105.06.2016
Sweden - Wales3:005.06.2016
Thailand U21 - Malaysia U212:105.06.2016
Vietnam U21 - Singapore U213:2 PEN.05.06.2016
Australia - Greece1:004.06.2016
Austria - Netherlands0:204.06.2016
Croatia - San Marino10:004.06.2016
France - Scotland3:004.06.2016
Germany - Hungary2:004.06.2016
Ivory Coast - Gabon2:104.06.2016
Nigeria U23 - Denmark U232:604.06.2016
Slovakia - Northern Ireland0:004.06.2016
South Korea U23 - Honduras U232:2   04.06.2016
Albania - Ukraine1:303.06.2016
Azerbaijan U21 - Bosnia & Herzegovina U210:003.06.2016
Canada - Azerbaijan1:103.06.2016
China - Trinidad & Tobago4:203.06.2016
Kosovo - Faroe Islands2:003.06.2016
Malaysia U21 - Singapore U213:003.06.2016
Myanmar - Singapore0:103.06.2016
Romania - Georgia5:103.06.2016
South Korea U18 - England U182:003.06.2016
Switzerland - Moldova2:103.06.2016
Thailand U21 - Vietnam U212:003.06.2016
Vietnam - Hong Kong3:2 PEN.03.06.2016
Cyprus U21 - Bulgaria U213:002.06.2016
El Salvador - Armenia0:402.06.2016
England - Portugal1:002.06.2016
Georgia U18 - Ukraine U182:102.06.2016
Guatemala - Venezuela1:102.06.2016
Israel U21 - Serbia U213:202.06.2016
Italy U21 - France U210:102.06.2016
Mexico - Chile1:002.06.2016
North Macedonia - Iran1:302.06.2016
Slovakia U18 - Armenia U184:202.06.2016
South Korea U23 - Nigeria U231:002.06.2016
Ukraine U21 - Austria U212:1 PEN.02.06.2016
Uruguay U20 - Chile U202:202.06.2016
Uzbekistan - Equatorial GuineaCAN.02.06.2016
Belgium - Finland1:101.06.2016
Estonia - Andorra2:001.06.2016
North Macedonia U18 - Azerbaijan U182:001.06.2016
North Macedonia U21 - Belarus U211:101.06.2016
Norway - Iceland3:201.06.2016
Poland - Netherlands1:201.06.2016
Russia - Czech Republic1:201.06.2016
Slovakia U21 - Ukraine U201:101.06.2016
Spain - South Korea6:101.06.2016
Austria - Malta2:131.05.2016
Ireland - Belarus1:231.05.2016
Kenya - Sudan1:131.05.2016
Luxembourg - Nigeria1:331.05.2016
Serbia - Israel3:131.05.2016
Serbia U21 - Austria U213:131.05.2016
Slovakia U18 - Armenia U181:031.05.2016
Slovenia U21 - Azerbaijan U211:231.05.2016
Ukraine U21 - Israel U211:2 PEN.31.05.2016
Uruguay U20 - Chile U203:031.05.2016
Vietnam - Syria2:031.05.2016
Zimbabwe - Uganda2:031.05.2016
France - Cameroon3:230.05.2016
Gambia - Zambia0:0   30.05.2016
Panama - Brazil0:230.05.2016
Sweden - Slovenia0:030.05.2016
Albania - Qatar3:129.05.2016
Cambodia - East Timor2:0   29.05.2016
Colombia - Haiti3:129.05.2016
Germany - Slovakia1:329.05.2016
Guatemala - Armenia1:729.05.2016
Italy - Scotland1:029.05.2016
Kenya - Tanzania1:129.05.2016
Laos - Nepal1:1   29.05.2016
North Macedonia - Azerbaijan3:129.05.2016
Peru - El Salvador3:129.05.2016
Portugal - Norway3:029.05.2016
Romania - Ukraine3:429.05.2016
Spain - Bosnia & Herzegovina3:129.05.2016
Turkey - Montenegro1:029.05.2016
USA - Bolivia4:029.05.2016
Argentina - Honduras1:028.05.2016
Botswana - MalawiCAN.   28.05.2016
Chile - Jamaica1:228.05.2016
Costa Rica - Venezuela2:128.05.2016
Gabon - Mauritania0:228.05.2016
Mexico - Paraguay1:028.05.2016
Myanmar - Malaysia0:028.05.2016
Rwanda - Senegal0:228.05.2016
Slovenia U21 - Azerbaijan U214:128.05.2016
Switzerland - Belgium1:228.05.2016
Uruguay - Trinidad & Tobago3:128.05.2016
Croatia - Moldova1:027.05.2016
Czech Republic - Malta6:027.05.2016
England - Australia2:127.05.2016
Ireland - Netherlands1:127.05.2016
Morocco - Congo2:027.05.2016
Nigeria - Mali1:027.05.2016
Northern Ireland - Belarus3:027.05.2016
Slovakia - Georgia3:127.05.2016
Togo - Zambia1:027.05.2016
Azerbaijan - Andorra0:026.05.2016
USA - Ecuador1:026.05.2016
D.R. Congo - Romania1:125.05.2016
Panama - Venezuela0:025.05.2016
Serbia - Cyprus2:125.05.2016
Peru - Trinidad & Tobago4:024.05.2016
Czech Republic U21 - Albania U211:123.05.2016
England - Turkey2:122.05.2016
Puerto Rico - USA1:322.05.2016
Botswana - Lesotho2:1   21.05.2016
Hungary - Ivory Coast0:020.05.2016
South Korea U19 - France U191:020.05.2016
Germany U18 - Ireland U182:211.05.2016
Slovakia U16 - Ireland U160:2   06.05.2016
Hungary U16 - Slovakia U163:004.05.2016
Austria U16 - Slovakia U161:2   02.05.2016
Czech Republic U20 - Slovakia U200:227.04.2016
Italy U20 - Denmark U202:027.04.2016
Switzerland U19 - Luxembourg U192:0   27.04.2016
Montenegro U19 - Ukraine U180:2   21.04.2016
Montenegro U19 - Ukraine U192:019.04.2016
Spain U17 - Costa Rica U174:119.04.2016
Czech Republic U17 - Belgium U171:114.04.2016
Slovakia U18 - Slovenia U182:114.04.2016
Italy U18 - France U181:213.04.2016
Slovakia U18 - Slovenia U180:212.04.2016
Austria - Turkey1:229.03.2016
England - Netherlands1:229.03.2016
Estonia - Serbia0:129.03.2016
France - Russia4:229.03.2016
Georgia - Kazakhstan1:129.03.2016
Germany - Italy4:129.03.2016
Germany U19 - South Korea U191:029.03.2016
Gibraltar - Latvia0:529.03.2016
Greece - Iceland2:329.03.2016
Ireland - Slovakia2:229.03.2016
Luxembourg - Albania0:229.03.2016
Malaysia - Macau0:029.03.2016
Montenegro - Belarus0:029.03.2016
North Macedonia - Bulgaria0:229.03.2016
Norway - Finland2:029.03.2016
Portugal - Belgium2:129.03.2016
Scotland - Denmark1:029.03.2016
Sweden - Czech Republic1:129.03.2016
Switzerland - Bosnia & Herzegovina0:229.03.2016
Andorra - Moldova0:128.03.2016
Liechtenstein - Faroe Islands2:328.03.2016
Netherlands U21 - Serbia U211:028.03.2016
Northern Ireland - Slovenia1:028.03.2016
Sierra Leone - Gabon1:028.03.2016
Spain U21 - Norway U211:028.03.2016
Ukraine - Wales1:028.03.2016
Brazil U23 - South Africa U233:127.03.2016
England U20 - Canada U201:227.03.2016
Estonia U19 - Lithuania U190:127.03.2016
Latvia U18 - Norway U180:327.03.2016
North Macedonia U18 - Finland U182:227.03.2016
Romania - Spain0:027.03.2016
Solomon Islands - Papua New Guinea1:2   27.03.2016
Thailand - South Korea0:127.03.2016
Ukraine U18 - Poland U181:027.03.2016
Austria - Albania2:126.03.2016
Azerbaijan - Kazakhstan0:126.03.2016
Germany - England2:326.03.2016
Hungary - Croatia1:126.03.2016
Norway U18 - Poland U181:126.03.2016
Poland - Finland5:026.03.2016
Poland U21 - Belarus U213:026.03.2016
Russia - Lithuania3:026.03.2016
Switzerland U20 - Germany U201:126.03.2016
Vanuatu - New Caledonia2:1   26.03.2016
Armenia - Belarus0:025.03.2016
Estonia U19 - Lithuania U191:125.03.2016
Gabon - Sierra Leone2:125.03.2016
Ireland - Switzerland1:025.03.2016
Luxembourg - Bosnia & Herzegovina0:325.03.2016
Netherlands - France2:325.03.2016
Netherlands U21 - Norway U211:025.03.2016
Portugal - Bulgaria0:125.03.2016
Slovakia - Latvia0:025.03.2016
Austria U21 - Ukraine U210:124.03.2016
Czech Republic - Scotland0:124.03.2016
Denmark - Iceland2:124.03.2016
Estonia - Norway0:024.03.2016
Greece - Montenegro2:124.03.2016
Italy - Spain1:124.03.2016
Malta - Moldova0:024.03.2016
Paraguay U20 - Uruguay U202:224.03.2016
Portugal U20 - Netherlands U201:124.03.2016
Singapore - Myanmar2:124.03.2016
Solomon Islands - Papua New Guinea2:0   24.03.2016
Turkey - Sweden2:124.03.2016
Ukraine - Cyprus1:024.03.2016
Wales - Northern Ireland1:124.03.2016
Austria U18 - England U182:323.03.2016
Croatia - Israel2:023.03.2016
Germany U20 - Switzerland U201:123.03.2016
Gibraltar - Liechtenstein0:023.03.2016
Poland - Serbia1:023.03.2016
Poland U20 - Italy U200:323.03.2016
Poland U21 - Finland U211:023.03.2016
Romania - Lithuania1:023.03.2016
Slovakia U21 - Estonia U234:023.03.2016
Slovenia - North Macedonia1:023.03.2016
Paraguay U20 - Uruguay U204:322.03.2016
Grenada - Trinidad & Tobago2:220.03.2016
Chinese Taipei - Guam3:219.03.2016
Iraq - Syria0:1   18.03.2016
United Arab Emirates - Bangladesh6:118.03.2016
Nicaragua - Panama1:016.03.2016
Nicaragua - El Salvador1:110.03.2016
Romania U19 - Finland U192:110.03.2016
Italy U18 - Switzerland U181:109.03.2016
Switzerland U19 - Ukraine U193:009.03.2016
Guatemala - El Salvador1:003.03.2016
Azerbaijan U17 - Ukraine U170:201.03.2016
Ireland U17 - Switzerland U171:101.03.2016
Montenegro U19 - Georgia U192:001.03.2016
Egypt - Burkina Faso2:027.02.2016
Azerbaijan U17 - Russia U171:025.02.2016
Croatia U17 - Slovakia U170:225.02.2016
Serbia U17 - Bulgaria U173:325.02.2016
Slovenia U19 - Austria U191:1   25.02.2016
Turkey U19 - Czech Republic U192:325.02.2016
Bulgaria U19 - Serbia U190:224.02.2016
Croatia U17 - Slovakia U173:123.02.2016
Slovenia U19 - Austria U190:023.02.2016
Guyana - Suriname2:0   22.02.2016
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Bermuda3:0   22.02.2016
Italy U17 - Serbia U174:218.02.2016
Panama - El Salvador1:018.02.2016
Israel U19 - Romania U191:015.02.2016
Norway U19 - Portugal U191:215.02.2016
Poland U19 - Slovakia U190:115.02.2016
Czech Republic U17 - Turkey U171:114.02.2016
Sweden U17 - Norway U172:014.02.2016
Uzbekistan - Lebanon2:0   14.02.2016
Norway U19 - Poland U192:313.02.2016
Portugal U19 - Slovakia U191:113.02.2016
Czech Republic U17 - Sweden U171:212.02.2016
Turkey U17 - Norway U171:012.02.2016
Guatemala - Honduras3:111.02.2016
Mexico - Senegal2:011.02.2016
Poland U19 - Portugal U192:211.02.2016
Slovakia U19 - Norway U190:111.02.2016
England U17 - Netherlands U170:209.02.2016
Portugal U17 - Germany U170:509.02.2016
USA - Canada1:006.02.2016
Bahrain - Lebanon2:005.02.2016
Netherlands U17 - Germany U170:105.02.2016
Portugal U17 - England U171:105.02.2016
Greece U19 - Czech Republic U190:104.02.2016
Venezuela - Costa Rica1:0   03.02.2016
Greece U19 - Czech Republic U191:102.02.2016
USA - Iceland3:231.01.2016
Egypt - Libya2:0   29.01.2016
Nicaragua - Honduras1:328.01.2016
Egypt - Jordan0:1   27.01.2016
Egypt - Burkina FasoCAN.   24.01.2016
Slovakia U17 - Finland U172:124.01.2016
Lok. Tashkent - Slovakia U212:0   22.01.2016
Slovakia U17 - Russia U172:1 PEN.   22.01.2016
Slovakia U17 - Belarus U170:120.01.2016
Spain U19 - Italy U191:220.01.2016
Jeonbuk - Slovakia U211:2   19.01.2016
Maldives - Nepal1:4   19.01.2016
Iran U17 - Slovakia U172:3   18.01.2016
Latvia U17 - Slovakia U171:1   17.01.2016
United Arab Emirates - Iceland2:116.01.2016
Finland - Iceland0:113.01.2016
Uganda - Cameroon0:013.01.2016
Maldives - Cambodia3:2   11.01.2016
Nigeria - Ivory Coast1:011.01.2016
Finland - Sweden0:310.01.2016
Rwanda - D.R. Congo1:010.01.2016
Uganda - Gabon1:110.01.2016
Japan U23 - Vietnam U232:007.01.2016
Saudi Arabia U23 - South Korea U230:007.01.2016
Rwanda - Cameroon1:1   06.01.2016
Sweden - Estonia1:106.01.2016
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