
USL League Two 2020 Table & Stats

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Sarasota - DaytonaCAN.   18.07.2020
FC Florida U23 - Brave SCCAN.   15.07.2020
AHFC Royals - Twin City ToucansCAN.   13.07.2020
Charlotte Independ. 2 - Asheville CityCAN.   13.07.2020
Dalton - Southern Soccer AcademyCAN.   13.07.2020
Evergreen - Philadelphia Lone StarCAN.   13.07.2020
Lehigh Valley - ReadingCAN.   13.07.2020
Manhattan - Westchester FlamesCAN.   13.07.2020
Menace - PeoriaCAN.   13.07.2020
Ocean City - Bermuda BascomeCAN.   13.07.2020
Black Rock - Portland PhoenixCAN.   12.07.2020
Boston Bolts - Seacoast Utd PhantomsCAN.   12.07.2020
Brave SC - FC Florida U23CAN.   12.07.2020
Calgary-Foothills - WillametteCAN.   12.07.2020
Daytona - Florida EliteCAN.   12.07.2020
Euro New York - New York Red Bulls U23CAN.   12.07.2020
Flint City - DaytonCAN.   12.07.2020
Grand Rapids - Ann ArborCAN.   12.07.2020
Long Island - CedarCAN.   12.07.2020
Miami City - SarasotaCAN.   12.07.2020
Mississippi Brilla - Corpus Christi FCCAN.   12.07.2020
North Carolina Fusion U23 - LionsbridgeCAN.   12.07.2020
Portland U23 - Sound FCCAN.   12.07.2020
San Francisco City - Glens SCCAN.   12.07.2020
SC United Bantams - Peachtree City MOBACAN.   12.07.2020
Ventura - Breakers FCCAN.   12.07.2020
Virginia Beach - Tobacco RoadCAN.   12.07.2020
Weston - Tampa Bay U23CAN.   12.07.2020
Asheville City - Charlotte EaglesCAN.   11.07.2020
Calgary-Foothills - WillametteCAN.   11.07.2020
Cincinnati Dutch Lions - Louisville City U23CAN.   11.07.2020
Dalton - Tormenta IICAN.   11.07.2020
Manitoba - St. Louis LionsCAN.   11.07.2020
Lane United - Sound FCCAN.   11.07.2020
Menace - Chicago UnitedCAN.   11.07.2020
Reading - Philadelphia Lone StarCAN.   11.07.2020
South Bend Lions - Oakland CountyCAN.   11.07.2020
Tri-Cities - West VirginiaCAN.   11.07.2020
Western Mass Pioneers - AC ConnecticutCAN.   11.07.2020
Evergreen - West Chester UtdCAN.   10.07.2020
Manitoba - Kaw ValleyCAN.   10.07.2020
Twin City Toucans - Houston FCCAN.   10.07.2020
Ann Arbor - DaytonCAN.   09.07.2020
Black Rock - Western Mass PioneersCAN.   09.07.2020
Manhattan - Long IslandCAN.   09.07.2020
Miami City - Brave SCCAN.   09.07.2020
North Carolina FC U23 - Virginia BeachCAN.   09.07.2020
Seacoast Utd Phantoms - Portland PhoenixCAN.   09.07.2020
Southern California - Golden State ForceCAN.   09.07.2020
Texas United - AHFC RoyalsCAN.   09.07.2020
Thunder Bay Chill - St. Louis LionsCAN.   09.07.2020
Tri-Cities - North Carolina Fusion U23CAN.   09.07.2020
TSS Rovers - Sound FCCAN.   09.07.2020
Westchester Flames - CedarCAN.   09.07.2020
Charlotte Eagles - East AtlantaCAN.   08.07.2020
Chicago United - Green Bay VoyageursCAN.   08.07.2020
Dalton - Peachtree City MOBACAN.   08.07.2020
FC Florida U23 - WestonCAN.   08.07.2020
Flint City - South Bend LionsCAN.   08.07.2020
Houston FC - Mississippi BrillaCAN.   08.07.2020
Louisville City U23 - Oakland CountyCAN.   08.07.2020
SC United Bantams - Charlotte Independ. 2CAN.   08.07.2020
Tormenta II - Southern Soccer AcademyCAN.   08.07.2020
Thunder Bay Chill - Kaw ValleyCAN.   08.07.2020
Wake FC - West VirginiaCAN.   08.07.2020
Bermuda Bascome - Lehigh ValleyCAN.   07.07.2020
Euro New York - Long IslandCAN.   07.07.2020
Grand Rapids - Cincinnati Dutch LionsCAN.   07.07.2020
New York Red Bulls U23 - ManhattanCAN.   07.07.2020
AHFC Royals - Mississippi BrillaCAN.   06.07.2020
Corpus Christi FC - Houston FCCAN.   06.07.2020
Ocean City - West Chester UtdCAN.   06.07.2020
Daytona - Brave SCCAN.   05.07.2020
East Atlanta - DaltonCAN.   05.07.2020
Golden State Force - San Francisco CityCAN.   05.07.2020
Lane United - TSS RoversCAN.   05.07.2020
Manhattan - CedarCAN.   05.07.2020
Miami City - WestonCAN.   05.07.2020
Oakland County - Ann ArborCAN.   05.07.2020
Glens SC - Breakers FCCAN.   05.07.2020
St. Louis Lions - Green Bay VoyageursCAN.   05.07.2020
Willamette - Portland U23CAN.   05.07.2020
Wake FC - Virginia BeachCAN.   05.07.2020
Asheville City - Tormenta IICAN.   04.07.2020
Cedar - New York Red Bulls U23CAN.   04.07.2020
Grand Rapids - Flint CityCAN.   04.07.2020
Lane United - WillametteCAN.   04.07.2020
Lionsbridge - Tobacco RoadCAN.   04.07.2020
North Carolina FC U23 - Tri-CitiesCAN.   04.07.2020
Ocean City - ReadingCAN.   04.07.2020
Peachtree City MOBA - Southern Soccer AcademyCAN.   04.07.2020
Portland U23 - TSS RoversCAN.   04.07.2020
Portland Phoenix - Western Mass PioneersCAN.   04.07.2020
Sarasota - Tampa Bay U23CAN.   04.07.2020
Southern California - San Francisco CityCAN.   04.07.2020
Ventura - Golden State ForceCAN.   04.07.2020
Florida Elite - WestonCAN.   03.07.2020
Kaw Valley - St. Louis LionsCAN.   03.07.2020
Peoria - Thunder Bay ChillCAN.   03.07.2020
Black Rock - AC ConnecticutCAN.   02.07.2020
Boston Bolts - Seacoast Utd PhantomsCAN.   02.07.2020
Charlotte Eagles - SC United BantamsCAN.   02.07.2020
Green Bay Voyageurs - MenaceCAN.   02.07.2020
Manhattan - CedarCAN.   02.07.2020
New York Red Bulls U23 - Euro New YorkCAN.   02.07.2020
Philadelphia Lone Star - Ocean CityCAN.   02.07.2020
Tampa Bay U23 - FC Florida U23CAN.   02.07.2020
Westchester Flames - Long IslandCAN.   02.07.2020
West Virginia - North Carolina Fusion U23CAN.   02.07.2020
Bermuda Bascome - EvergreenCAN.   01.07.2020
Brave SC - WestonCAN.   01.07.2020
Chicago United - Thunder Bay ChillCAN.   01.07.2020
Southern California - VenturaCAN.   01.07.2020
Tormenta II - Charlotte Independ. 2CAN.   01.07.2020
Tri-Cities - Tobacco RoadCAN.   01.07.2020
Twin City Toucans - Mississippi BrillaCAN.   01.07.2020
Bermuda Bascome - EvergreenCAN.   30.06.2020
Charlotte Eagles - DaltonCAN.   30.06.2020
Chicago United - Thunder Bay ChillCAN.   30.06.2020
Corpus Christi FC - Twin City ToucansCAN.   29.06.2020
Green Bay Voyageurs - ManitobaCAN.   29.06.2020
Philadelphia Lone Star - ReadingCAN.   29.06.2020
Texas United - Houston FCCAN.   29.06.2020
Virginia Beach - Wake FCCAN.   29.06.2020
AC Connecticut - Boston BoltsCAN.   28.06.2020
Ann Arbor - South Bend LionsCAN.   28.06.2020
Brave SC - Miami CityCAN.   28.06.2020
Cedar - Westchester FlamesCAN.   28.06.2020
Dayton - Grand RapidsCAN.   28.06.2020
East Atlanta - Peachtree City MOBACAN.   28.06.2020
Euro New York - Long IslandCAN.   28.06.2020
Flint City - Louisville City U23CAN.   28.06.2020
Golden State Force - Breakers FCCAN.   28.06.2020
Green Bay Voyageurs - Thunder Bay ChillCAN.   28.06.2020
Lehigh Valley - Ocean CityCAN.   28.06.2020
Lionsbridge - North Carolina Fusion U23CAN.   28.06.2020
Manhattan - New York Red Bulls U23CAN.   28.06.2020
Menace - Kaw ValleyCAN.   28.06.2020
Ocean City - Lehigh ValleyCAN.   28.06.2020
Peachtree City MOBA - East AtlantaCAN.   28.06.2020
Portland Phoenix - Seacoast Utd PhantomsCAN.   28.06.2020
Sound FC - Lane UnitedCAN.   28.06.2020
SC United Bantams - Asheville CityCAN.   28.06.2020
Southern Soccer Academy - Charlotte Independ. 2CAN.   28.06.2020
St. Louis Lions - Chicago UnitedCAN.   28.06.2020
Tobacco Road - North Carolina FC U23CAN.   28.06.2020
TSS Rovers - WillametteCAN.   28.06.2020
Black Rock - Seacoast Utd PhantomsCAN.   27.06.2020
Calgary-Foothills - Portland U23CAN.   27.06.2020
Cincinnati Dutch Lions - DaytonCAN.   27.06.2020
FC Florida U23 - Tampa Bay U23CAN.   27.06.2020
Grand Rapids - Oakland CountyCAN.   27.06.2020
Houston FC - Twin City ToucansCAN.   27.06.2020
Peoria - ManitobaCAN.   27.06.2020
Reading - West Chester UtdCAN.   27.06.2020
Sound FC - WillametteCAN.   27.06.2020
TSS Rovers - Lane UnitedCAN.   27.06.2020
Ventura - Glens SCCAN.   27.06.2020
Southern Soccer Academy - Charlotte EaglesCAN.   26.06.2020
Texas United - Mississippi BrillaCAN.   26.06.2020
Manhattan - Euro New YorkCAN.   25.06.2020
Miami City - DaytonaCAN.   25.06.2020
New York Red Bulls U23 - Westchester FlamesCAN.   25.06.2020
North Carolina FC U23 - West VirginiaCAN.   25.06.2020
Portland Phoenix - AC ConnecticutCAN.   25.06.2020
Seacoast Utd Phantoms - Western Mass PioneersCAN.   25.06.2020
South Bend Lions - Flint CityCAN.   25.06.2020
Southern California - Golden State ForceCAN.   25.06.2020
Tobacco Road - Virginia BeachCAN.   25.06.2020
AHFC Royals - Corpus Christi FCCAN.   24.06.2020
Asheville City - East AtlantaCAN.   24.06.2020
Charlotte Eagles - Tormenta IICAN.   24.06.2020
Charlotte Independ. 2 - Peachtree City MOBACAN.   24.06.2020
Dalton - SC United BantamsCAN.   24.06.2020
Dayton - Oakland CountyCAN.   24.06.2020
FC Florida U23 - SarasotaCAN.   24.06.2020
Texas United - Mississippi BrillaCAN.   24.06.2020
West Chester Utd - Lehigh ValleyCAN.   24.06.2020
Euro New York - CedarCAN.   22.06.2020
Manitoba - MenaceCAN.   22.06.2020
Golden State Force - VenturaCAN.   22.06.2020
Philadelphia Lone Star - Lehigh ValleyCAN.   22.06.2020
AHFC Royals - Houston FCCAN.   21.06.2020
Black Rock - Boston BoltsCAN.   21.06.2020
Brave SC - SarasotaCAN.   21.06.2020
Cincinnati Dutch Lions - South Bend LionsCAN.   21.06.2020
Dayton - Ann ArborCAN.   21.06.2020
Evergreen - ReadingCAN.   21.06.2020
Florida Elite - Miami CityCAN.   21.06.2020
Green Bay Voyageurs - Kaw ValleyCAN.   21.06.2020
Louisville City U23 - Grand RapidsCAN.   21.06.2020
New York Red Bulls U23 - Long IslandCAN.   21.06.2020
North Carolina Fusion U23 - Virginia BeachCAN.   21.06.2020
Ocean City - Philadelphia Lone StarCAN.   21.06.2020
Peachtree City MOBA - DaltonCAN.   21.06.2020
Portland U23 - WillametteCAN.   21.06.2020
San Francisco City - Breakers FCCAN.   21.06.2020
Southern Soccer Academy - Asheville CityCAN.   21.06.2020
Thunder Bay Chill - PeoriaCAN.   21.06.2020
Tobacco Road - West VirginiaCAN.   21.06.2020
Tri-Cities - Wake FCCAN.   21.06.2020
TSS Rovers - Calgary-FoothillsCAN.   21.06.2020
Twin City Toucans - Corpus Christi FCCAN.   21.06.2020
Westchester Flames - ManhattanCAN.   21.06.2020
AC Connecticut - Seacoast Utd PhantomsCAN.   20.06.2020
Cincinnati Dutch Lions - Grand RapidsCAN.   20.06.2020
East Atlanta - Charlotte Independ. 2CAN.   20.06.2020
Louisville City U23 - Ann ArborCAN.   20.06.2020
Oakland County - Flint CityCAN.   20.06.2020
Glens SC - San Francisco CityCAN.   20.06.2020
Sound FC - Portland U23CAN.   20.06.2020
Tormenta II - SC United BantamsCAN.   20.06.2020
Thunder Bay Chill - MenaceCAN.   20.06.2020
TSS Rovers - Calgary-FoothillsCAN.   20.06.2020
Western Mass Pioneers - Black RockCAN.   20.06.2020
Manitoba - PeoriaCAN.   19.06.2020
Green Bay Voyageurs - Kaw ValleyCAN.   19.06.2020
Peachtree City MOBA - Charlotte Independ. 2CAN.   19.06.2020
Twin City Toucans - AHFC RoyalsCAN.   19.06.2020
Black Rock - Western Mass PioneersCAN.   18.06.2020
Boston Bolts - AC ConnecticutCAN.   18.06.2020
Charlotte Eagles - Asheville CityCAN.   18.06.2020
Chicago United - Kaw ValleyCAN.   18.06.2020
Evergreen - ReadingCAN.   18.06.2020
Golden State Force - Southern CaliforniaCAN.   18.06.2020
Houston FC - Corpus Christi FCCAN.   18.06.2020
Manhattan - Euro New YorkCAN.   18.06.2020
North Carolina FC U23 - Wake FCCAN.   18.06.2020
Tobacco Road - North Carolina Fusion U23CAN.   18.06.2020
Weston - SarasotaCAN.   18.06.2020
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