
South Cardiff Stats, Results & Fixtures

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AustraliaAustralia: Northern NSW State League - Main
1. RoundLake MacquarieSouth Cardiff      details14.03.2025 10:00
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AustraliaAustralia: Northern NSW State League - Main
27. RoundThornton RedbacksSouth Cardiff0:6 (0:2, 0:4)details17.08.2024
26. RoundSouth CardiffSingleton Strikers1:3 (1:3, 0:0)details11.08.2024
17. RoundSingleton StrikersSouth Cardiff4:0 (1:0, 3:0)details03.08.2024
25. RoundCessnock City HornetsSouth Cardiff4:0 (2:0, 2:0)details27.07.2024
24. RoundSouth CardiffWest Wallsend0:2 (0:1, 0:1)details21.07.2024
AustraliaAustralia: Northern NSW - Main
18. RoundLambton J.South Cardiff2:1 (0:0, 2:1)details15.08.2015
17. RoundSouth CardiffAdamstown Rosebud1:3 (0:1, 1:2)details09.08.2015
16. RoundEdgeworth E.South Cardiff2:0 (0:0, 2:0)details31.07.2015
15. RoundSouth CardiffBroadmeadow3:1 (1:0, 2:1)details26.07.2015
14. RoundNewcastle OlympicSouth Cardiff3:3 details18.07.2015
AustraliaAustralia: FFA Cup - Main
1/16-finalsSouth SpringvaleSouth Cardiff3:2 PEN. (1:2, 1:0, 0:0, 4:3)details29.07.2014
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AustraliaAustralia: Northern NSW State League - Main
1. RoundLake MacquarieSouth Cardiff      details14.03.2025 10:00
2. RoundWest WallsendSouth Cardiff      details23.03.2025 04:00
3. RoundWallsend Red DevilsSouth Cardiff      details30.03.2025 07:30
4. RoundSouth CardiffCessnock City Hornets      details04.04.2025 11:00
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