
Sobradinho Esporte Clube (Brazil)

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BrazilBrazil: Brasiliense - Main
1. RoundGamaSobradinho      details18.01.2025 23:30
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BrazilBrazil: Brasiliense 2 - Play Offs
FinalSobradinhoLegiao3:1 (2:0, 1:1)details26.10.2024
Semi-finals - 2nd legSobradinhoSESP Brasilia3:0 (1:0, 2:0)details20.10.2024
Semi-finals - 1st legSESP BrasiliaSobradinho1:2 (1:2, 0:0)details12.10.2024
BrazilBrazil: Brasiliense 2 - Main
7. RoundSobradinhoSESP Brasilia1:1 (0:0, 1:1)details05.10.2024
6. RoundTaguatingaSobradinho1:1 (0:0, 1:1)details29.09.2024
BrazilBrazil: Campeonato Brasiliense - First stage
6. RoundSobradinhoGama1:4 details10.04.2021
5. RoundReal BrasiliaSobradinho2:1 (2:0, 0:1)details07.04.2021
4. RoundSobradinhoUnai EC1:5 (1:1, 0:4)details04.04.2021
3. RoundTaguatingaSobradinho2:0 details30.03.2021
2. RoundSobradinhoLuziania0:1 details06.03.2021
BrazilBrazil: Copa Verde - Main
1/8-finals - 2nd legRemoSobradinho3:0 (1:0, 2:0)details22.08.2019
1/8-finals - 1st legSobradinhoRemo1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details13.08.2019
1/16-finals - 2nd legManausSobradinho2:1 (0:1, 2:0)details01.08.2019
1/16-finals - 1st legSobradinhoManaus4:1 (3:1, 1:0)details25.07.2019
BrazilBrazil: Serie D - Main
Group 12 - 6. RoundSobradinhoVitoria ES1:2 (1:0, 0:2)details09.06.2019
Group 12 - 5. RoundCaldenseSobradinho1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details01.06.2019
Group 12 - 4. RoundPortuguesa RJSobradinho2:0 (1:0, 1:0)details25.05.2019
Group 12 - 3. RoundSobradinhoPortuguesa RJ0:1 (0:1, 0:0)details18.05.2019
Group 12 - 2. RoundSobradinhoCaldense0:1 (0:0, 0:1)details11.05.2019
BrazilBrazil: Copa do Brasil - Main
1/128-finalsSobradinhoAmerica RN0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details06.02.2019
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BrazilBrazil: Brasiliense - Main
1. RoundGamaSobradinho      details18.01.2025 23:30
2. RoundSobradinhoParanoa      details26.01.2025 15:00
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