
Shamrock FC Stats, Results & Fixtures

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GrenadaGrenada: Premier Division - Main
ShamrockCamerhognePOSTP. details26.01.2025
St. John'sShamrock3:1 (1:1, 2:0)details19.01.2025
ShamrockSAB Spartans5:0 details12.01.2025
ShamrockFontenoy2:1 (0:1, 2:0)details10.11.2024
HurricanesShamrock1:2 (0:2, 1:0)details27.10.2024
ShamrockMt. Rich10:2 details20.10.2024
Hard RockShamrock1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details12.10.2024
ParadiseShamrock3:0 (1:0, 2:0)details28.09.2024
ShamrockQueens Park Rangers1:2 (1:2, 0:0)details21.09.2024
CamerhogneShamrock4:0 (0:0, 4:0)details15.09.2024
ShamrockSt. John's1:2 details31.08.2024
FontenoyShamrock1:3 details25.08.2024
SAB SpartansShamrock2:2 (1:0, 1:2)details21.07.2024
ShamrockHurricanes2:2 (0:1, 2:1)details23.06.2024
Mt. RichShamrock2:3 (2:2, 0:1)details16.06.2024
ShamrockHard Rock2:3 details01.06.2024
ShamrockParadise0:5 details19.05.2024
Queens Park RangersShamrock1:0 (1:0, 0:0)details12.05.2024
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