
Associacio Esportiva Prat (Spain)

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SpainSpain: Tercera RFEF - Group 5 - Main
15. RoundPratMollerussa2:0 (1:0, 1:0)details15.12.2024
9. RoundPratReus FCR0:2 (0:1, 0:1)details11.12.2024
14. RoundL HospitaletPrat1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details06.12.2024
13. RoundPratFC L'escala0:1 (0:1, 0:0)details01.12.2024
12. RoundCF BadalonaPrat1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details24.11.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
PratL Hospitalet0:1 (0:0, 0:1)details31.08.2024
VilafrancaPrat2:1 (1:0, 1:1)details28.08.2024
PratSabadell0:2 (0:1, 0:1)details11.08.2024
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SpainSpain: Tercera RFEF - Group 5 - Main
16. RoundPeraladaPrat detailsToday 16:30
17. RoundPratAtletic Lleida      details12.01.2025 12:00
18. RoundPratCE Europa B      details19.01.2025 12:00
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