
Pelita Jaya Basketball Club (Indonesia)

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IndonesiaIndonesia: IBL - Play Offs
Final - 3rd legPelita JayaSatria Muda73:65 (38:26, 35:39)details04.08.2024
Final - 2nd legPelita JayaSatria Muda82:70 (38:35, 44:35)details03.08.2024
Final - 1st legSatria MudaPelita Jaya84:71 (39:38, 45:33)details01.08.2024
Semi-finals - 2nd legPelita JayaPrawira Bandung90:77 (41:29, 49:48)details27.07.2024
Semi-finals - 1st legPrawira BandungPelita Jaya80:84 (41:37, 39:47)details25.07.2024
AsiaAsia: Asia Champions League - Final tournament - Main
Group BKCC EgisPelita Jaya91:98 (46:59, 45:39)details12.06.2024
Group BPelita JayaShahrdari Gorgan97:90 (50:45, 47:45)details10.06.2024
Group BHiroshima D.Pelita Jaya86:69 (48:29, 38:40)details09.06.2024
AsiaAsia: Asia Champions League - Qualification - Second stage
3. RoundPelita JayaHong Kong Eastern76:71 (40:32, 36:39)details26.04.2024
2. RoundPrawira BandungPelita Jaya67:88 (33:51, 34:37)details24.04.2024
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