
TJ Slavia Male Hostice (Czech Republic)

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Czech RepublicCzech Republic: 1. B trida (MSK) - Group A - Main
7. RoundDolni MoraviceMale Hostice1:3 (1:0, 0:3)details09.11.2024
1. RoundVelke HosticeMale Hostice1:4 (1:2, 0:2)details02.11.2024
13. RoundMale HosticeVrbno pod Pradedem3:4 (1:2, 2:2)details27.10.2024
12. RoundVelke HeralticeMale Hostice3:0 (1:0, 2:0)details19.10.2024
11. RoundMale HosticeSokol Slavkov0:3 (0:1, 0:2)details13.10.2024
10. RoundKrasne LouckyMale Hostice2:1 (1:0, 1:1)details05.10.2024
9. RoundMale HosticeStitina2:2 (0:2, 2:0)details28.09.2024
8. RoundMale HosticeVelka Polom1:2 (0:1, 1:1)details22.09.2024
6. RoundMale HosticeStara Ves6:2 (2:2, 4:0)details07.09.2024
5. RoundSlezan JindrichovMale Hostice3:1 (2:0, 1:1)details31.08.2024
4. RoundMale HosticeTJ Zlatniky4:0 (3:0, 1:0)details25.08.2024
3. RoundHradec nad MoraviciMale Hostice3:1 (1:0, 2:1)details18.08.2024
2. RoundMale HosticeSlavia Opava2:1 (2:0, 0:1)details11.08.2024
Czech RepublicCzech Republic: 1. B trida (MSK) - Group A - Main
26. RoundVitkovMale Hostice0:2 (0:2, 0:0)details15.06.2024
25. RoundMale HosticeTJ Zlatniky4:0 (3:0, 1:0)details08.06.2024
24. RoundBudisov nad BudisovkouMale Hostice6:2 (3:2, 3:0)details01.06.2024
23. RoundMale HosticeSlavia Opava2:0 (2:0, 0:0)details25.05.2024
21. RoundMale HosticeVelke Hostice1:2 (0:1, 1:1)details11.05.2024
20. RoundSokol SlavkovMale Hostice1:0 (1:0, 0:0)details05.05.2024
19. RoundMale HosticeHradec nad Moravici5:0 (1:0, 4:0)details27.04.2024
18. RoundSlezan JindrichovMale Hostice7:1 (3:0, 4:1)details20.04.2024
17. RoundMale HosticeKrasne Loucky1:1 (0:0, 1:1)details13.04.2024
16. RoundMale HosticeLichnov3:3 (3:1, 0:2)details06.04.2024
15. RoundKrnov BMale Hostice5:2 (2:2, 3:0)details31.03.2024
14. RoundStara VesMale Hostice6:3 (2:2, 4:1)details23.03.2024
1. RoundMale HosticeStara Ves2:5 (0:0, 2:5)details04.11.2023
13. RoundMale HosticeVitkov6:1 (3:0, 3:1)details28.10.2023
12. RoundTJ ZlatnikyMale Hostice2:3 (1:3, 1:0)details22.10.2023
11. RoundMale HosticeBudisov nad Budisovkou1:2 (1:2, 0:0)details14.10.2023
10. RoundSlavia OpavaMale Hostice3:3 (1:1, 2:2)details08.10.2023
9. RoundMale HosticeBruntal B4:2 (1:1, 3:1)details30.09.2023
8. RoundVelke HosticeMale Hostice1:4 (1:1, 0:3)details23.09.2023
7. RoundMale HosticeSokol Slavkov3:2 (2:2, 1:0)details16.09.2023
6. RoundHradec nad MoraviciMale Hostice7:1 (7:0, 0:1)details09.09.2023
5. RoundMale HosticeSlezan Jindrichov1:4 (0:2, 1:2)details02.09.2023
4. RoundKrasne LouckyMale Hostice4:2 (1:2, 3:0)details26.08.2023
3. RoundLichnovMale Hostice5:3 (1:2, 4:1)details19.08.2023
2. RoundMale HosticeKrnov B2:2 (1:0, 1:2)details12.08.2023
Czech RepublicCzech Republic: 1. B trida (MSK) - Group A - Main
14. RoundKrnov BMale Hostice5:1 (2:1, 3:0)details18.06.2023
26. RoundMale HosticeVelke Heraltice0:3 (0:1, 0:2)details11.06.2023
25. RoundSlezan JindrichovMale Hostice2:2 (2:1, 0:1)details03.06.2023
24. RoundMale HosticeLichnov4:1 (0:0, 4:1)details28.05.2023
23. RoundBudisov nad BudisovkouMale Hostice9:0 (3:0, 6:0)details21.05.2023
22. RoundMale HosticeVitkov4:2 (3:1, 1:1)details14.05.2023
21. RoundSlavia OpavaMale Hostice2:1 (0:0, 2:1)details06.05.2023
20. RoundKrasne LouckyMale Hostice2:1 (0:0, 2:1)details29.04.2023
19. RoundMale HosticeBruntal B1:6 (0:3, 1:3)details23.04.2023
18. RoundSokol SlavkovMale Hostice6:0 (4:0, 2:0)details16.04.2023
17. RoundMale HosticeHlavnice2:0 (2:0, 0:0)details09.04.2023
16. RoundTJ ZlatnikyMale Hostice2:0 (2:0, 0:0)details02.04.2023
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