
TJ Sokol Jamne Stats, Results & Fixtures

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Czech RepublicCzech Republic: 1. B trida (VYS) - Group A - Main
16. RoundHeralecJamne      detailsTomorrow 15:00
17. RoundJamneRantirov      details30.03.2025 10:30
18. RoundNovy RychnovJamne      details06.04.2025 15:00
19. RoundJamneHabry      details13.04.2025 10:30
20. RoundHavlickova BorovaJamne      details20.04.2025 10:00
21. RoundTrestJamne      details27.04.2025 16:00
22. RoundJamneLucice      details03.05.2025 10:30
23. RoundKamenice nad Lipou BJamne      details10.05.2025 16:30
24. RoundJamneDobronin      details18.05.2025 10:30
25. RoundPelhrimov BJamne      details24.05.2025 15:00
26. RoundJamneZdirec n. D. B      details01.06.2025 10:30
14. RoundLestinaJamne      details08.06.2025 16:30
15. RoundJamneStoky      details15.06.2025 10:30
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