
Hapoel Kfar Shalem Stats, Results & Fixtures

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IsraelIsrael: Leumit League - Main
30. RoundHapoel Petah TikvaHapoel Kfar Shalem detailsTomorrow 14:00
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IsraelIsrael: Leumit League - Main
29. RoundHapoel Kfar ShalemH. Ironi Rishon2:1 (1:0, 1:1)details24.03.2025
28. RoundBnei YehudaHapoel Kfar Shalem1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details14.03.2025
27. RoundHapoel Kfar ShalemHapoel Afula2:0 (2:0, 0:0)details07.03.2025
26. RoundMaccabi JaffaHapoel Kfar Shalem3:2 (3:0, 0:2)details28.02.2025
25. RoundHapoel Kfar ShalemHapoel Kfar Saba2:1 (0:0, 2:1)details24.02.2025
IsraelIsrael: State Cup - Main
1/16-finalsMaccabi Bnei RainaHapoel Kfar Shalem3:0 (1:0, 2:0)details26.12.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
Shimshon Kafr QasimHapoel Kfar Shalem2:0 (0:0, 2:0)details26.07.2024
Hapoel Kfar ShalemNes TzionaCAN. details22.07.2024
Hapoel Kfar ShalemH. Ironi Rishon1:3 (1:0, 0:3)details18.07.2024
IsraelIsrael: Liga Alef South - Main
30. RoundHapoel Kfar ShalemMaccabi Shaarayim FC1:2 (1:2, 0:0)details03.05.2024
30. RoundHapoel Kfar ShalemMS Ironi KuseifeCAN. details27.04.2024
29. RoundM. Ironi AshdodHapoel Kfar Shalem2:0 (2:0, 0:0)details26.04.2024
28. RoundHapoel Kfar ShalemIroni Modiin1:1 (1:1, 0:0)details19.04.2024
27. RoundNordia JerusalemHapoel Kfar Shalem1:2 (1:1, 0:1)details12.04.2024
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IsraelIsrael: Leumit League - Main
30. RoundHapoel Petah TikvaHapoel Kfar Shalem detailsTomorrow 14:00
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