
FC Chernomorets Sevastopol Stats, Results & Fixtures

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EuropeEurope: Premier League (Crimea) - Main
24. RoundChernomorets SevastopolOcean Kerch1:1 (1:0, 0:1)details12.11.2023
23. RoundAlushtaChernomorets Sevastopol0:2 (0:2, 0:0)details05.11.2023
18. RoundChernomorets SevastopolAlushta1:0 (1:0, 0:0)details01.11.2023
22. RoundSparta-KTChernomorets Sevastopol0:3 (0:0, 0:3)details28.10.2023
21. RoundChernomorets SevastopolKyzyltash1:3 (0:1, 1:2)details22.10.2023
17. RoundChernomorets SevastopolSparta-KT2:2 (2:2, 0:0)details18.10.2023
20. RoundTSK SimferopolChernomorets Sevastopol3:1 (0:0, 3:1)details15.10.2023
19. RoundOcean KerchChernomorets Sevastopol0:1 (0:1, 0:0)details11.10.2023
16. RoundKyzyltashChernomorets Sevastopol1:1 (1:1, 0:0)details19.08.2023
15. RoundChernomorets SevastopolTSK Simferopol1:2 (0:0, 1:2)details12.08.2023
14. RoundFC SevastopolChernomorets Sevastopol5:1 (4:0, 1:1)details14.06.2023
13. RoundChernomorets SevastopolOcean Kerch3:2 (2:0, 1:2)details10.06.2023
12. RoundKyzyltashChernomorets Sevastopol3:1 (2:1, 1:0)details04.06.2023
11. RoundChernomorets SevastopolTSK Simferopol0:4 (0:2, 0:2)details31.05.2023
10. RoundRubin YaltaChernomorets Sevastopol4:0 (3:0, 1:0)details27.05.2023
9. RoundChernomorets SevastopolAlushta0:5 (0:4, 0:1)details17.05.2023
8. RoundSparta-KTChernomorets Sevastopol0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details13.05.2023
7. RoundChernomorets SevastopolFC Sevastopol1:5 (0:1, 1:4)details06.05.2023
6. RoundOcean KerchChernomorets Sevastopol0:2 (0:0, 0:2)details30.04.2023
5. RoundChernomorets SevastopolKyzyltash2:3 (1:3, 1:0)details23.04.2023
4. RoundTSK SimferopolChernomorets Sevastopol4:1 (2:0, 2:1)details19.04.2023
3. RoundChernomorets SevastopolRubin Yalta2:1 (0:0, 2:1)details12.04.2023
2. RoundAlushtaChernomorets Sevastopol0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details01.04.2023
1. RoundChernomorets SevastopolSparta-KT0:2 (0:0, 0:2)details26.03.2023
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