
Cheonan City FC Stats, Results & Fixtures

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South KoreaSouth Korea: K League 2 - Main
4. RoundBusanCheonan City details16.03.2025 06:00
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South KoreaSouth Korea: K League 2 - Main
3. RoundCheonan CityAsan1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details09.03.2025
2. RoundCheonan CityBucheon FC 19951:2 (0:0, 1:2)details02.03.2025
1. RoundCheonan CityJeonnam0:2 (0:2, 0:0)details22.02.2025
South KoreaSouth Korea: K League 2 - Main
39. RoundGimpo FCCheonan City1:0 (1:0, 0:0)details09.11.2024
38. RoundCheonan CityBusan2:3 (1:2, 1:1)details02.11.2024
South KoreaSouth Korea: Korean Cup - Main
1/16-finalsJeju SKCheonan City3:2 PEN. (0:0, 1:1, 1:1, 4:3)details17.04.2024
1/32-finalsCheonan CityYangsan Eogok4:0 (0:0, 4:0)details24.03.2024
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South KoreaSouth Korea: K League 2 - Main
4. RoundBusanCheonan City details16.03.2025 06:00
South KoreaSouth Korea: Korean Cup - Main
1/32-finalsCheonan CityPocheon      details23.03.2025 06:00
South KoreaSouth Korea: K League 2 - Main
5. RoundCheonan CityGimpo FC      details30.03.2025 07:00
6. RoundSeoul E-LandCheonan City      details05.04.2025 07:00
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