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Club Athletique Renaissance Aiglon Brazzaville Stats, Results & Fixtures

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Republic of the CongoRepublic of the Congo: Ligue 1 - Main
Group A - 5. RoundCARA BrazzavilleRacine0:1 details16.02.2025
Group A - 4. RoundCARA BrazzavilleJuk3:2 (1:1, 2:1)details07.02.2025
Group A - 3. RoundJS TalangaiCARA Brazzaville1:1 (0:0, 1:1)details01.02.2025
Group A - 4. RoundOtoho d'OyoCARA Brazzaville0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details28.01.2025
Group A - 2. RoundAS BNGCARA BrazzavillePOSTP. details24.01.2025
Group A - 1. RoundCARA BrazzavillePoto-Poto0:1 details17.01.2025
Republic of the CongoRepublic of the Congo: Ligue 1 - Main
26. RoundCARA BrazzavilleNathalys2:0 details01.06.2024
25. RoundAS BNGCARA Brazzaville1:2 (0:1, 1:1)details26.05.2024
24. RoundCARA BrazzavilleEtoile du Congo0:1 (0:1, 0:0)details18.05.2024
23. RoundDiables NoirsCARA Brazzaville0:0 details11.05.2024
22. RoundLeopardCARA Brazzaville1:0 details04.05.2024
21. RoundJukCARA Brazzaville2:1 details26.04.2024
20. RoundInter ClubCARA Brazzaville1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details19.04.2024
19. RoundVegasCARA Brazzaville0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details12.04.2024
18. RoundCARA BrazzavilleJS Talangai1:3 details06.04.2024
17. RoundCARA BrazzavilleCheminots0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details29.03.2024
16. RoundCARA BrazzavilleKondzo2:0 details24.03.2024
15. RoundOtoho d'OyoCARA Brazzaville0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details16.03.2024
14. RoundV. Club MokandaCARA Brazzaville0:1 details06.03.2024
13. RoundCARA BrazzavilleV. Club Mokanda1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details02.02.2024
12. RoundCARA BrazzavilleOtoho d'Oyo0:1 (0:1, 0:0)details27.01.2024
11. RoundKondzoCARA Brazzaville1:2 (1:2, 0:0)details20.01.2024
10. RoundCheminotsCARA Brazzaville0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details14.01.2024
4. RoundCARA BrazzavilleDiables Noirs2:0 (1:0, 1:0)details10.01.2024
9. RoundJS TalangaiCARA Brazzaville0:2 (0:1, 0:1)details06.01.2024
8. RoundCARA BrazzavilleVegas2:0 (0:0, 2:0)details29.12.2023
7. RoundCARA BrazzavilleInter Club0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details24.12.2023
6. RoundCARA BrazzavilleJuk2:2 (2:1, 0:1)details15.12.2023
5. RoundCARA BrazzavilleLeopard0:3 (0:0, 0:3)details09.12.2023
3. RoundEtoile du CongoCARA Brazzaville0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details23.11.2023
2. RoundCARA BrazzavilleAS BNG0:1 (0:0, 0:1)details19.11.2023
1. RoundNathalysCARA Brazzaville1:1 (1:1, 0:0)details11.11.2023
Republic of the CongoRepublic of the Congo: Ligue 1 - Main
17. RoundOtoho d'OyoCARA Brazzaville3:0 (0:0, 3:0)details11.06.2023
26. RoundCARA BrazzavilleDiables Noirs2:2 (0:1, 2:1)details04.06.2023
25. RoundCARA BrazzavilleAS BNG2:1 (0:1, 2:0)details20.05.2023
24. RoundLeopardCARA Brazzaville0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details14.05.2023
23. RoundInter ClubCARA Brazzaville2:0 (1:0, 1:0)details07.05.2023
22. RoundCARA BrazzavilleV. Club Mokanda2:0 (0:0, 2:0)details30.04.2023
21. RoundNathalysCARA Brazzaville2:1 (0:0, 2:1)details23.04.2023
20. RoundEtoile du CongoCARA Brazzaville0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details15.04.2023
19. RoundCARA BrazzavilleJuk1:0 (1:0, 0:0)details09.04.2023
18. RoundJS TalangaiCARA Brazzaville1:0 (0:0, 1:0)details30.03.2023
16. RoundCARA BrazzavillePatronage Sainte-Anne2:1 (2:1, 0:0)details19.03.2023
15. RoundCARA BrazzavilleCheminots0:0 (0:0, 0:0)details12.03.2023
14. RoundKondzoCARA Brazzaville3:1 (0:0, 3:1)details03.03.2023
13. RoundCARA BrazzavilleKondzo1:2 (0:1, 1:1)details13.01.2023
12. RoundCheminotsCARA Brazzaville1:1 details10.01.2023
11. RoundPatronage Sainte-AnneCARA Brazzaville0:1 details05.01.2023
10. RoundCARA BrazzavilleOtoho d'Oyo1:2 details28.12.2022
9. RoundCARA BrazzavilleJS Talangai1:2 details21.12.2022
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