South Africa

Multichoice Diski 2019/2020 Results

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Bidvest Wits U21 - Chippa Utd. U21CAN.   28.03.2020
Black Leopards U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U21CAN.   28.03.2020
Cape Town City U21 - Bloem Celtic U21CAN.   28.03.2020
Highlands U21 - Golden Arrows U21CAN.   28.03.2020
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Polokwane U21CAN.   28.03.2020
Orlando Pirates U21 - Baroka U21CAN.   28.03.2020
Stellenbosch U21 - Amazulu U21CAN.   28.03.2020
Supersport Utd U21 - Maritzburg Utd U21CAN.   28.03.2020
Amazulu U21 - Bidvest Wits U21CAN.   22.03.2020
Bloem Celtic U21 - Baroka U21CAN.   22.03.2020
Golden Arrows U21 - Cape Town City U21CAN.   22.03.2020
Highlands U21 - Supersport Utd U21CAN.   22.03.2020
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Stellenbosch U21CAN.   22.03.2020
Chippa Utd. U21 - Black Leopards U21CAN.   21.03.2020
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U21CAN.   21.03.2020
Polokwane U21 - Orlando Pirates U21CAN.   21.03.2020
Black Leopards U21 - Polokwane U211:115.03.2020
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Bloem Celtic U211:115.03.2020
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Golden Arrows U211:215.03.2020
Stellenbosch U21 - Maritzburg Utd U212:1   15.03.2020
Supersport Utd U21 - Amazulu U210:115.03.2020
Baroka U21 - Chippa Utd. U211:214.03.2020
Bidvest Wits U21 - Cape Town City U214:114.03.2020
Orlando Pirates U21 - Highlands U211:214.03.2020
Bidvest Wits U21 - Black Leopards U213:208.03.2020
Cape Town City U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U21CAN.08.03.2020
Chippa Utd. U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U213:3   08.03.2020
Supersport Utd U21 - Golden Arrows U214:2   08.03.2020
Amazulu U21 - Baroka U211:1   07.03.2020
Bloem Celtic U21 - Orlando Pirates U210:307.03.2020
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Polokwane U212:2   07.03.2020
Stellenbosch U21 - Highlands U212:2   07.03.2020
Cape Town City U21 - Black Leopards U213:301.03.2020
Golden Arrows U21 - Baroka U213:301.03.2020
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Bidvest Wits U214:301.03.2020
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Stellenbosch U21CAN.01.03.2020
Bloem Celtic U21 - Chippa Utd. U210:129.02.2020
Highlands U21 - Amazulu U211:2   29.02.2020
Orlando Pirates U21 - Maritzburg Utd U213:029.02.2020
Polokwane U21 - Supersport Utd U211:029.02.2020
Amazulu U21 - Polokwane U211:023.02.2020
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Cape Town City U212:123.02.2020
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Bloem Celtic U212:223.02.2020
Orlando Pirates U21 - Golden Arrows U213:023.02.2020
Baroka U21 - Highlands U211:0   22.02.2020
Chippa Utd. U21 - Supersport Utd U214:222.02.2020
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Bidvest Wits U210:422.02.2020
Stellenbosch U21 - Black Leopards U213:122.02.2020
Bidvest Wits U21 - Highlands U211:016.02.2020
Cape Town City U21 - Stellenbosch U213:116.02.2020
Orlando Pirates U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U212:016.02.2020
Black Leopards U21 - Baroka U213:2   15.02.2020
Golden Arrows U21 - Amazulu U210:0   15.02.2020
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Chippa Utd. U212:215.02.2020
Polokwane U21 - Bloem Celtic U210:115.02.2020
Supersport Utd U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U211:215.02.2020
Orlando Pirates U21 - Bidvest Wits U212:1   12.02.2020
Amazulu U21 - Chippa Utd. U212:109.02.2020
Black Leopards U21 - Maritzburg Utd U211:209.02.2020
Bloem Celtic U21 - Stellenbosch U213:409.02.2020
Cape Town City U21 - Supersport Utd U211:409.02.2020
Golden Arrows U21 - Polokwane U214:309.02.2020
Highlands U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U211:109.02.2020
Baroka U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U212:408.02.2020
Bloem Celtic U21 - Maritzburg Utd U212:202.02.2020
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Black Leopards U214:102.02.2020
Supersport Utd U21 - Baroka U212:3   02.02.2020
Bidvest Wits U21 - Golden Arrows U214:201.02.2020
Chippa Utd. U21 - Cape Town City U213:401.02.2020
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Amazulu U211:201.02.2020
Polokwane U21 - Highlands U210:101.02.2020
Stellenbosch U21 - Orlando Pirates U212:101.02.2020
Amazulu U21 - Cape Town City U213:026.01.2020
Bidvest Wits U21 - Bloem Celtic U212:026.01.2020
Golden Arrows U21 - Stellenbosch U211:126.01.2020
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U214:326.01.2020
Black Leopards U21 - Highlands U212:2   25.01.2020
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Baroka U210:225.01.2020
Polokwane U21 - Chippa Utd. U211:125.01.2020
Supersport Utd U21 - Orlando Pirates U210:325.01.2020
Amazulu U21 - Black Leopards U213:119.01.2020
Cape Town City U21 - Orlando Pirates U210:1   19.01.2020
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Supersport Utd U211:119.01.2020
Baroka U21 - Stellenbosch U210:018.01.2020
Bidvest Wits U21 - Polokwane U211:018.01.2020
Chippa Utd. U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U213:118.01.2020
Highlands U21 - Bloem Celtic U211:018.01.2020
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Golden Arrows U211:418.01.2020
Cape Town City U21 - Maritzburg Utd U215:0   12.01.2020
Golden Arrows U21 - Chippa Utd. U214:412.01.2020
Highlands U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U211:412.01.2020
Polokwane U21 - Baroka U211:212.01.2020
Stellenbosch U21 - Bidvest Wits U213:2   12.01.2020
Black Leopards U21 - Supersport Utd U210:111.01.2020
Bloem Celtic U21 - Amazulu U210:1   11.01.2020
Orlando Pirates U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U211:011.01.2020
Baroka U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U210:316.12.2019
Black Leopards U21 - Orlando Pirates U210:416.12.2019
Polokwane U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U212:016.12.2019
Amazulu U21 - Maritzburg Utd U212:015.12.2019
Golden Arrows U21 - Bloem Celtic U212:215.12.2019
Bidvest Wits U21 - Supersport Utd U213:214.12.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Stellenbosch U212:114.12.2019
Highlands U21 - Cape Town City U210:114.12.2019
Bloem Celtic U21 - Black Leopards U213:108.12.2019
Cape Town City U21 - Polokwane U212:108.12.2019
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Golden Arrows U215:108.12.2019
Baroka U21 - Bidvest Wits U211:407.12.2019
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Amazulu U213:107.12.2019
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Highlands U210:207.12.2019
Orlando Pirates U21 - Chippa Utd. U213:207.12.2019
Stellenbosch U21 - Supersport Utd U211:107.12.2019
Black Leopards U21 - Golden Arrows U211:401.12.2019
Cape Town City U21 - Baroka U211:201.12.2019
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Bidvest Wits U212:101.12.2019
Polokwane U21 - Stellenbosch U210:1   01.12.2019
Supersport Utd U21 - Bloem Celtic U210:101.12.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Highlands U211:330.11.2019
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Maritzburg Utd U213:030.11.2019
Orlando Pirates U21 - Amazulu U211:030.11.2019
Amazulu U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U212:224.11.2019
Golden Arrows U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U211:224.11.2019
Supersport Utd U21 - Cape Town City U213:224.11.2019
Bidvest Wits U21 - Stellenbosch U212:123.11.2019
Bloem Celtic U21 - Highlands U210:223.11.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Baroka U210:123.11.2019
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Orlando Pirates U213:123.11.2019
Polokwane U21 - Black Leopards U210:0   23.11.2019
Black Leopards U21 - Chippa Utd. U212:2   17.11.2019
Stellenbosch U21 - Cape Town City U210:1   17.11.2019
Amazulu U21 - Golden Arrows U214:1   16.11.2019
Baroka U21 - Polokwane U213:2   16.11.2019
Highlands U21 - Bidvest Wits U211:416.11.2019
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Orlando Pirates U210:1   16.11.2019
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Supersport Utd U216:3   16.11.2019
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Bloem Celtic U210:1   16.11.2019
Cape Town City U21 - Bidvest Wits U211:2   03.11.2019
Golden Arrows U21 - Black Leopards U214:0   03.11.2019
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Maritzburg Utd U211:0   03.11.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Bloem Celtic U213:2   02.11.2019
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Baroka U211:1   02.11.2019
Orlando Pirates U21 - Stellenbosch U212:0   02.11.2019
Polokwane U21 - Amazulu U210:0   02.11.2019
Supersport Utd U21 - Highlands U210:2   02.11.2019
Bidvest Wits U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U211:2   27.10.2019
Bloem Celtic U21 - Supersport Utd U212:0   27.10.2019
Cape Town City U21 - Highlands U212:1   27.10.2019
Golden Arrows U21 - Orlando Pirates U211:1   27.10.2019
Baroka U21 - Black Leopards U211:0   26.10.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Polokwane U212:2   26.10.2019
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Amazulu U210:3   26.10.2019
Stellenbosch U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U211:1   26.10.2019
Black Leopards U21 - Bloem Celtic U214:4   20.10.2019
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Chippa Utd. U215:2   20.10.2019
Supersport Utd U21 - Bidvest Wits U211:1   20.10.2019
Baroka U21 - Amazulu U210:2   19.10.2019
Highlands U21 - Maritzburg Utd U211:1   19.10.2019
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Cape Town City U211:0   19.10.2019
Orlando Pirates U21 - Polokwane U212:0   19.10.2019
Stellenbosch U21 - Golden Arrows U212:1   19.10.2019
Amazulu U21 - Stellenbosch U212:3   13.10.2019
Bloem Celtic U21 - Cape Town City U215:0   13.10.2019
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Orlando Pirates U212:2   13.10.2019
Bidvest Wits U21 - Baroka U212:0   12.10.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Golden Arrows U213:6   12.10.2019
Highlands U21 - Black Leopards U211:0   12.10.2019
Polokwane U21 - Maritzburg Utd U212:1   12.10.2019
Supersport Utd U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U212:0   12.10.2019
Cape Town City U21 - Amazulu U210:3   06.10.2019
Golden Arrows U21 - Highlands U210:4   06.10.2019
Stellenbosch U21 - Bloem Celtic U213:1   06.10.2019
Baroka U21 - Orlando Pirates U211:1   05.10.2019
Black Leopards U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U210:2   05.10.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Bidvest Wits U210:3   05.10.2019
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U211:1   05.10.2019
Supersport Utd U21 - Polokwane U211:0   05.10.2019
Amazulu U21 - Supersport Utd U213:4   29.09.2019
Bloem Celtic U21 - Bidvest Wits U211:3   29.09.2019
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Black Leopards U210:0   29.09.2019
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Baroka U215:0   29.09.2019
Highlands U21 - Chippa Utd. U211:1   28.09.2019
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Stellenbosch U212:3   28.09.2019
Orlando Pirates U21 - Cape Town City U212:3   28.09.2019
Polokwane U21 - Golden Arrows U210:0   28.09.2019
Cape Town City U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U212:4   24.09.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Orlando Pirates U210:2   24.09.2019
Stellenbosch U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U210:3   24.09.2019
Amazulu U21 - Highlands U210:0   22.09.2019
Baroka U21 - Golden Arrows U212:0   22.09.2019
Bidvest Wits U21 - Maritzburg Utd U212:1   22.09.2019
Bloem Celtic U21 - Polokwane U212:2   22.09.2019
Supersport Utd U21 - Black Leopards U213:0   22.09.2019
Golden Arrows U21 - Bidvest Wits U211:7   15.09.2019
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Polokwane U212:1   15.09.2019
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Chippa Utd. U212:1   15.09.2019
Baroka U21 - Bloem Celtic U211:1   14.09.2019
Black Leopards U21 - Amazulu U210:1   14.09.2019
Highlands U21 - Stellenbosch U213:1   14.09.2019
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Cape Town City U210:2   14.09.2019
Orlando Pirates U21 - Supersport Utd U213:0   14.09.2019
Amazulu U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U212:1   08.09.2019
Black Leopards U21 - Bidvest Wits U211:4   08.09.2019
Bloem Celtic U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U211:7   08.09.2019
Stellenbosch U21 - Baroka U211:3   08.09.2019
Golden Arrows U21 - Maritzburg Utd U212:1   07.09.2019
Highlands U21 - Orlando Pirates U211:0   07.09.2019
Polokwane U21 - Cape Town City U212:3   07.09.2019
Supersport Utd U21 - Chippa Utd. U214:0   07.09.2019
Baroka U21 - Supersport Utd U211:1   01.09.2019
Cape Town City U21 - Golden Arrows U213:0   01.09.2019
Orlando Pirates U21 - Bloem Celtic U212:0   01.09.2019
Bidvest Wits U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U214:2   31.08.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Amazulu U213:2   31.08.2019
Mamelodi Sundowns U21 - Highlands U211:0   31.08.2019
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Black Leopards U212:2   31.08.2019
Stellenbosch U21 - Polokwane U212:2   31.08.2019
Amazulu U21 - Bloem Celtic U213:4   25.08.2019
Black Leopards U21 - Stellenbosch U213:3   25.08.2019
Golden Arrows U21 - Supersport Utd U210:2   25.08.2019
Highlands U21 - Polokwane U213:1   25.08.2019
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U210:3   25.08.2019
Baroka U21 - Maritzburg Utd U210:1   24.08.2019
Bidvest Wits U21 - Orlando Pirates U211:0   24.08.2019
Cape Town City U21 - Chippa Utd. U210:3   24.08.2019
Bloem Celtic U21 - Golden Arrows U213:2   18.08.2019
Kaizer Chiefs U21 - Highlands U212:3   18.08.2019
Polokwane U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U211:1   18.08.2019
Baroka U21 - Cape Town City U210:1   17.08.2019
Bidvest Wits U21 - Amazulu U214:1   17.08.2019
Chippa Utd. U21 - Maritzburg Utd U213:0   17.08.2019
Orlando Pirates U21 - Black Leopards U211:0   17.08.2019
Supersport Utd U21 - Stellenbosch U212:2   17.08.2019
Highlands U21 - Baroka U210:3   11.08.2019
Polokwane U21 - Bidvest Wits U212:1   11.08.2019
Black Leopards U21 - Cape Town City U210:2   10.08.2019
Golden Arrows U21 - Kaizer Chiefs U211:4   10.08.2019
Maritzburg Utd U21 - Supersport Utd U211:5   10.08.2019
Amazulu U21 - Orlando Pirates U210:1   09.08.2019
Bloem Celtic U21 - Mamelodi Sundowns U210:3   09.08.2019
Stellenbosch U21 - Chippa Utd. U212:1   09.08.2019
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