
KK Studentski centar (Montenegro)

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EuropeEurope: ABA League - Main
13. RoundCedevita OlimpijaStudentski Centar detailsToday 19:00
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MontenegroMontenegro: Prva A Liga - Main
11. RoundPrimorjeStudentski Centar84:95 (42:56, 42:39)details17.12.2024
EuropeEurope: ABA League - Main
12. RoundStudentski CentarCrvena zvezda81:89 (36:42, 45:47)details15.12.2024
MontenegroMontenegro: Prva A Liga - Main
10. RoundStudentski CentarLovcen Cetinje84:66 (46:33, 38:33)details10.12.2024
EuropeEurope: ABA League - Main
11. RoundBuducnostStudentski Centar107:84 (46:45, 61:39)details07.12.2024
MontenegroMontenegro: Prva A Liga - Main
9. RoundKotorStudentski Centar58:76 (30:43, 28:33)details03.12.2024
EuropeEurope: ABA League - Main
10. RoundIgokeaStudentski Centar105:97 (48:38, 57:59)details30.11.2024
MontenegroMontenegro: Prva A Liga - Main
8. RoundStudentski CentarDecic103:81 (54:32, 49:49)details26.11.2024
7. RoundMilenijumStudentski Centar71:101 (38:49, 33:52)details17.11.2024
EuropeEurope: ABA League - Main
9. RoundSplitStudentski Centar88:85 ET (33:34, 44:43, 11:8)details15.11.2024
8. RoundStudentski CentarMornar Bar99:91 (48:32, 51:59)details11.11.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
BoracStudentski Centar69:77 (40:38, 29:39)details04.09.2024
Studentski CentarKK Bosna89:69 details29.08.2024
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EuropeEurope: ABA League - Main
13. RoundCedevita OlimpijaStudentski Centar detailsToday 19:00
MontenegroMontenegro: Prva A Liga - Main
12. RoundStudentski CentarDanilovgrad    details24.12.2024 17:00
EuropeEurope: ABA League - Main
14. RoundStudentski CentarMega Basket    details28.12.2024 17:00
MontenegroMontenegro: Prva A Liga - Main
13. RoundSutjeskaStudentski Centar    details30.12.2024 18:00
EuropeEurope: ABA League - Main
15. RoundBoracStudentski Centar    details04.01.2025 17:00
16. RoundSpartak SuboticaStudentski Centar    details11.01.2025 18:00
MontenegroMontenegro: Prva A Liga - Main
14. RoundVukovi ZetaStudentski Centar    details18.01.2025 18:00
EuropeEurope: ABA League - Main
17. RoundStudentski CentarCibona    details19.01.2025 17:00
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