
Sting Rays Stats, Results & Fixtures

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ThailandThailand: TBL - Winners stage
Hi-TechSting Rays77:51 (35:25, 42:26)details21.11.2021
Sting RaysThai General79:88 (35:43, 44:45)details20.11.2021
Dunkin RaptorsSting Rays81:75 (41:24, 40:51)details17.11.2021
Sting RaysBangkok Tiger Thunder58:56 (30:33, 28:23)details14.11.2021
Sting RaysShoot it Dragon65:72 (36:31, 29:41)details13.11.2021
ThailandThailand: TBL - Main
Thai GeneralSting Rays92:80 (51:46, 41:34)details10.11.2021
Sting RaysAirforce Madgoat85:57 (44:32, 41:25)details07.11.2021
Dunkin RaptorsSting Rays52:77 (24:39, 28:38)details06.11.2021
Chaophraya ThunderSting Rays75:90 (32:51, 43:39)details03.11.2021
Shoot it DragonSting Rays69:77 (38:43, 31:34)details31.10.2021
Sting RaysSWU BC82:71 (39:32, 43:39)details30.10.2021
Sting RaysBangkok Tiger Thunder69:74 (32:32, 37:42)details27.10.2021
Hi-TechSting Rays65:47 (31:15, 34:32)details24.10.2021
Sting RaysT-REX84:54 (40:14, 44:40)details23.10.2021
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