
WBC Spartak Noginsk (Russia)

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RussiaRussia: Russian Cup Women - First stage
Group CVladimir WNoginsk W79:34 (39:22, 40:12)details21.09.2024
Group CNoginsk WIvanovo W45:74 (25:42, 20:32)details20.09.2024
Group CSpartak Moscow 2 WNoginsk W78:63 (36:21, 42:42)details19.09.2024
RussiaRussia: Russian Cup Women - Play Offs
1/8-finals - 2nd legEnisey Krasnoyarsk WNoginsk W78:39 (38:16, 40:23)details25.10.2023
1/8-finals - 1st legNoginsk WEnisey Krasnoyarsk W51:108 (28:66, 23:42)details24.10.2023
RussiaRussia: Premier League Women - Play Out
Noginsk WRostov W52:78 (23:53, 29:25)details28.04.2022
Dynamo Moscow WNoginsk W66:54 (35:26, 31:28)details27.04.2022
Noginsk WSamara W54:90 (28:49, 26:41)details26.04.2022
Rostov WNoginsk W78:58 (43:32, 35:26)details16.04.2022
Noginsk WDynamo Moscow W64:68 (36:27, 28:41)details15.04.2022
WorldWorld: Club Friendly Women - Main
Ivanovo WNoginsk W41:59 (21:23, 20:36)details07.09.2021
Noginsk WMBA Moscow 2 W88:60 (43:30, 45:30)details05.09.2021
Dynamo Kursk WNoginsk W62:74 (27:23, 35:51)details04.09.2021
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