
Siglap Basketball Club Stats, Results & Fixtures

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SingaporeSingapore: NBL - Main
SBASiglap89:77 (38:39, 51:38)details22.09.2024
SiglapTagawa55:62 (33:30, 22:32)details18.09.2024
NanyangSiglap57:78 (26:42, 31:36)details15.09.2024
Tong WhyeSiglap84:64 (46:23, 38:41)details11.09.2024
AdroitSiglap112:58 (55:18, 57:40)details06.09.2024
TungsanSiglap82:102 (41:41, 41:61)details04.09.2024
SiglapEng Tat Hornets70:86 (28:43, 42:43)details29.08.2024
Chong GheeSiglap52:64 (26:28, 26:36)details25.08.2024
SiglapXin Hua78:53 (50:22, 28:31)details22.08.2024
SiglapPolice80:53 details18.08.2024
SiglapSG Basketball69:73 (28:41, 41:32)details15.08.2024
SiglapTungsan88:71 (37:29, 51:42)details06.07.2024
NanyangSiglap59:69 (30:39, 29:30)details03.07.2024
SiglapTagawa60:94 (28:53, 32:41)details29.06.2024
SiglapEng Tat Hornets52:85 (27:41, 25:44)details27.06.2024
Chong GheeSiglap58:51 (40:24, 18:27)details23.06.2024
AdroitSiglap78:68 (43:32, 35:36)details22.06.2024
SG BasketballSiglap74:61 (40:30, 34:31)details18.06.2024
SiglapSBA33:53 (23:27, 10:26)details15.06.2024
Xin HuaSiglap88:59 (47:24, 41:35)details11.06.2024
SiglapTong Whye63:79 (31:42, 32:37)details08.06.2024
PoliceSiglap60:64 (30:25, 30:39)details02.06.2024
SingaporeSingapore: NBL - Main
SBASiglap65:62 (34:30, 31:32)details21.11.2023
NanyangSiglap62:86 (37:42, 25:44)details19.11.2023
SiglapSAFSA Blue94:70 (38:33, 56:37)details18.11.2023
Eng Tat HornetsSiglap66:59 (32:26, 34:33)details17.11.2023
SiglapChong Ghee91:76 (44:31, 47:45)details15.11.2023
SG BasketballSiglap80:71 ET (36:40, 31:27, 13:4)details12.11.2023
SiglapAdroit53:68 (22:27, 31:41)details11.11.2023
SiglapZebra71:62 (34:31, 37:31)details08.11.2023
Tong WhyeSiglap70:74 (36:34, 34:40)details05.11.2023
SiglapXin Hua80:68 (40:29, 40:39)details04.11.2023
TagawaSiglap59:73 (32:36, 27:37)details03.11.2023
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