
Seattle U Redhawks (USA)

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USAUSA: NCAA Women - Main
Cal Poly WSeattle U Redhawks W67:42 (29:18, 38:24)details20.12.2024
Seattle U Redhawks WKennesaw State W41:64 (16:27, 25:37)details17.12.2024
Seattle U Redhawks WWeber State W64:72 (32:33, 32:39)details14.12.2024
Air Force WSeattle U Redhawks W82:44 (43:24, 39:20)details07.12.2024
Arizona Wildcats WSeattle U Redhawks W78:43 (43:32, 35:11)details03.12.2024
UC Santa Barbara WSeattle U Redhawks W72:62 (28:35, 44:27)details30.11.2024
Texas A&M-Commerce Lions WSeattle U Redhawks W76:79 (35:37, 41:42)details29.11.2024
Seattle U Redhawks WEvergreen State W88:43 (53:15, 35:28)details23.11.2024
Portland WSeattle U Redhawks W78:55 (52:26, 26:29)details20.11.2024
Seattle U Redhawks WPortland State W57:67 (31:36, 26:31)details17.11.2024
Sam Houston St. WSeattle U Redhawks W69:57 (35:26, 34:31)details10.11.2024
Washington WSeattle U Redhawks W95:53 (54:15, 41:38)details05.11.2024
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