
Jeunesse Sportive des Fontenelles de Nanterre (France)

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FranceFrance: LNB - Main
14. RoundStrasbourgNanterre    details26.12.2024 20:00
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FranceFrance: LNB - Main
13. RoundNanterreCholet97:104 (50:50, 47:54)details21.12.2024
EuropeEurope: Champions League - Main
Group A - 6. RoundNanterreHapoel Holon87:77 (40:37, 47:40)details18.12.2024
FranceFrance: LNB - Main
12. RoundGravelines-DunkerqueNanterre83:89 ET (38:36, 35:37, 10:16)details15.12.2024
11. RoundNanterreNancy97:75 (53:42, 44:33)details07.12.2024
EuropeEurope: Champions League - Main
Group A - 5. RoundNanterreIgokea78:83 (44:44, 34:39)details04.12.2024
FranceFrance: LNB - Main
10. RoundNanterreDijon72:77 (32:34, 40:43)details30.11.2024
9. RoundLa RochelleNanterre77:98 (42:41, 35:57)details15.11.2024
EuropeEurope: Champions League - Main
Group A - 4. RoundWurzburgNanterre88:96 (39:58, 49:38)details06.11.2024
Group A - 3. RoundNanterreWurzburg83:88 (42:47, 41:41)details23.10.2024
Group A - 2. RoundHapoel HolonNanterre70:76 (34:35, 36:41)details08.10.2024
WorldWorld: Club Friendly - Main
NanterreCholet90:86 details31.08.2024
FranceFrance: French Cup - Main
Quarter-finalsMonacoNanterre94:92 (48:47, 46:45)details16.03.2024
FranceFrance: Leaders Cup - Main
FinalParisNanterre90:85 (48:42, 42:43)details18.02.2024
Semi-finalsJL BourgNanterre95:100 (45:46, 50:54)details17.02.2024
Quarter-finalsLyon-VilleurbanneNanterre78:82 (38:34, 40:48)details16.02.2024
FranceFrance: French Cup - Main
1/8-finalsNanterreSaint Quentin76:74 (46:41, 30:33)details13.02.2024
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FranceFrance: LNB - Main
14. RoundStrasbourgNanterre    details26.12.2024 20:00
EuropeEurope: Champions League - Qualification - Winners stage
Final - 1st legNanterreOostende    details07.01.2025 20:00
FranceFrance: French Cup - Main
1/8-finalsNanterreCholet    details07.01.2025 20:00
FranceFrance: LNB - Main
15. RoundNanterreMonaco    details11.01.2025 20:30
EuropeEurope: Champions League - Qualification - Winners stage
Final - 2nd legOostendeNanterre    details14.01.2025 20:00
FranceFrance: LNB - Main
16. RoundNanterreLe Mans    details18.01.2025 20:30
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