
BK Beroe Stara Zagora (Bulgaria)

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EuropeEurope: WABA League Women - Main
11. RoundBeroe WNovi Zagreb W    details08.01.2025 18:00
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EuropeEurope: WABA League Women - Main
9. RoundBuducnost WBeroe W83:42 (44:22, 39:20)details11.12.2024
8. RoundBeroe WPartizan W79:58 (45:30, 34:28)details04.12.2024
5. RoundBeroe WCinkarna Celje W72:86 (31:43, 41:43)details30.10.2024
4. RoundOrlovi WBeroe W76:91 (41:43, 35:48)details23.10.2024
3. RoundBeroe WMontana 2003 W83:76 (49:46, 34:30)details16.10.2024
EuropeEurope: EuroCup Women - Main
Group B - 6. RoundElitzur Ramla WBeroe W108:77 (56:34, 52:43)details15.12.2022
Group B - 5. RoundBeroe WHatay W94:81 (43:41, 51:40)details08.12.2022
Group B - 4. RoundNKA Pecs WBeroe W83:57 (45:19, 38:38)details16.11.2022
Group B - 3. RoundBeroe WElitzur Ramla W73:101 (40:54, 33:47)details10.11.2022
Group B - 2. RoundHatay WBeroe W93:73 (42:43, 51:30)details03.11.2022
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EuropeEurope: WABA League Women - Main
11. RoundBeroe WNovi Zagreb W    details08.01.2025 18:00
12. RoundMontana 2003 WBeroe W    details15.01.2025 18:00
13. RoundBeroe WOrlovi W    details22.01.2025 18:00
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