
Bangkok Tiger Thunder (Thailand)

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ThailandThailand: TBL - Play Offs
Final - 2nd legBangkok Tiger ThunderDunkin Raptors68:99 (37:43, 31:56)details15.09.2024
Final - 1st legDunkin RaptorsBangkok Tiger Thunder68:59 (41:25, 27:34)details14.09.2024
Semi-finals - 3rd legPathum ThaniBangkok Tiger Thunder84:85 (38:41, 46:44)details10.09.2024
Semi-finals - 2nd legBangkok Tiger ThunderPathum Thani56:89 (38:48, 18:41)details08.09.2024
Semi-finals - 1st legPathum ThaniBangkok Tiger Thunder69:72 (35:30, 34:42)details07.09.2024
AsiaAsia: ABL - Main
Bangkok Tiger ThunderHong Kong Eastern66:75 (33:37, 33:38)details17.02.2023
NS MatrixBangkok Tiger Thunder96:86 (49:45, 47:41)details14.02.2023
Bangkok Tiger ThunderSingapore Slingers74:121 (44:54, 30:67)details12.02.2023
Bangkok Tiger ThunderZamboanga Valientes80:84 (33:37, 47:47)details06.02.2023
NS MatrixBangkok Tiger Thunder117:78 (67:38, 50:40)details05.02.2023
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